2 // Chaos Rising

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"What?" I hear Stiles ask Scott as we walked down the street to some random party at some random girl's house.

"What, what do you mean, 'what'?" Scott asked  looking up from the pavement.

"I mean 'what,' and you know what."

"'What' what?"

"Would you two cut it out." I groaned looking up from my phone at the two idiots.

"That look you were giving." Stiles clarifies ignoring my intrusion.

"I didn't give a look." Scott defended.

"Oh, there was a distinct look, Scott. Rowan isn't there a look?" Stiles asked me as they stopped and turned so I could see. I grab Scott by the chin as if I was studying his face before releasing and nodding.

"There's definitely a look."

"What look?" Scott mumbled in defeat as we continued walking.

The look that says that the last thing you feel like doing right now is going to a party." Stiles explains as we come up on the house. It's a two story house with a bunch of cars parked out front and people spilling from every exit.

"It's not that. It just seems weird going to a different high school's party." Scott admits.

"What? Would you..." Stiles asks before dramatically groaning in frustration "God, one drink, all right? You'll be fine. I went to nursery school with this girl, okay? She promised to introduce us to all of her friends. So tonight, no Allison, no Lydia, no Isaac. Tonight, we're moving on."

"You're right." Scott sighed in defeat.

"That's right I'm right. Rowan are you with us?"

"Do I have a choice?" I asked hopefully but I already knew the answer.

"Nope!" He smiled pulling me and Scott into either side of him.

"Moving on." Scott said finally agreeing to this idea. I don't blame him for hesitating. Ever since I found out Isaac was back in town I  haven't felt like doing much either, let alone going to a party. Seeing Allison every day must be hard

"Onward and upward." Stiles cheered as we walked up the steps to the entrance.

"How's my breath smell?" Scott asked preparing to breathe directly in my face that I covered his mouth to stop him.

"I'm not smelling your breath." I say pulling my hand away in disgust. I am not making that mistake again.

"Do you have any gum?" Stiles asked me. He tries checking him own breath before reaching for my purse.

"No. No gum. You guys! We are going to be fine." I try to convince them. "Stiles was right. One party isn't going to kill us. We just have to stick together. Come on, when was the last time we went to a party?"

"Last year. Lydia's party which, if I recall correctly, came pretty damn close." Scott grumbles at me.

"Oh please. We were high as balls off wolfsbane but nobody died."

"Didn't Matt almost-" Stiles began to contradict me but I cut him off.

"You know what, I just gonna go inside." I announce before walking up to the front door.

"Can you at least tell me what kind of party this is?" Scott asked his best friend only to be answered as soon as I entered.

"It's my birthday!" A blonde cheered from across the room with a bunch of her friends, each carrying a red solo cup which I assume is filled with alcohol. She had a few conversations on the side before realizing we had come in.

"Stiles! Hi." She smiled coming up to us. She passed me by to give Stiles what I thought was a hug.

"Hey. There's the birthday gir..." Stiles starts but she quickly kisses him rendering him silent. Me and Scott unbelievably look at each other making sure we were seeing the same thing.

"So glad that you made it." She said quietly as she bit her lip. She was practically giving him sex eyes which made me shift uncomfortably. I'm starting to get the feeling Stiles was supposed to come alone.

"Me too." He voices shakes as he tried to respond. He was probably as taken back as the rest of us.

"Come downstairs with me and help me pick out a bottle of wine." She grabs him by the hand and leads him downstairs to the wine cellar.

"So much for sticking together I guess." I grumble watching after them. I turn to Scott but he wasn't even paying attention to what I said. He was too busy reading something on his phone. I peek over his shoulder to see that it was a text from Allison.

Allison: Can we talk?

Just seeing her name was enough justification to take his phone away. He turns to glare at me so quickly, he almost knocks me over. "Rowan." He says warningly.

"No Allison, remember?" I ask waving it in his face.

"I wasn't going to answer her. I just wanted to see what she wants. Anyway I thought you liked Allison. Aren't you friends again?"

"I don't have to forgive her to like her, or be her friend. She tried to kill us. It gonna take longer than a summer to forgive and forget." His  phone dings once again catching both our attention. He tries to reach for it but I begin walking away. "I'm going to go get some punch. Do you want anything?"

"My phone back." He pouts as he watches me walk away with it.

"Make friends." I call encouragement over my shoulder. As I come up to the punch bowl I wrinkle my nose at the pungent smell of alcohol coming from it. I still fill two red solo cups an bring it back. When I walked up Scott was trying to talk to a girl but she rolled her eyes and walked away. His shocked expression turned into a scowl when he saw me smiling.

"Shut up." He groaned crossing his arms across his chest.

"I didn't say anything." I laugh offering him one of the cups. "Here this will make you feel better." He quickly takes the cup and tries to down it but pulls back, cringing.

"Ugh, what is that?" He asks as he sniffs the contents.

"It's punch, but I think someone spiked it." I say studying my own. I swirl the cup as if I'd somehow be able to see the difference between the two liquids.

"I thought we couldn't get drunk."

"We can't, but we love to try." I take a big swig of punch before feeling Scott's phone buzz in my pocket for the billionth time. I roll my eyes and pull it out checking the name. Allison again. "For someone who broke up with you, you would think she could go one night without texting you." I look up at him seeing the blank expression on his face and remembering what he said about it being an open wound.

"Sorry." I say offering him his phone which he gladly took.

"She's here." He said reading off her latest text.

"What do you mean she's here?"

"I mean she's outside." He quickly opens the door and walks out. I follow him and sure enough we see Lydia and Allison sitting outside in front of their car. "This isn't the talk we were gonna have, is it?" He asked her probably feeling cornered since she wasn't alone.  She expressionlessly shakes her head before rolling up her sleeve.

"I need to show you something." She reveals an oddly shaped mark on her wrist. I decided to jump in before Scott had the chance to get worked up about how she got it.

"It a bruise. So what?" I say crossing my arms.

"Lydia has an identical one." Allison looks at her expectingly and Lydia reluctantly shows us her mark too. She seems about as convinced on its importance as I am. "We think it means something."

"What?" Scott asked worriedly stepping up to get a closer look.

"We were hoping you would know."

"I'm sorry I don't." Scott admits. "But I think I know someone who might."

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