Seitarou x Reader - on PERIOD

Start from the beginning

~Timeskip brought to you by the alligators that are a trap at Nanba ("Just like that prison in the Amazon!")~

"Ahh! Why are you guys here?"

Seitarou had gotten a bit of a surprise when Cell 13 appeared in the office. Kuu was lounging in Jyugo's lap, purring quietly. Rock had found the snacks, and was currently munching on them with vigor.

"Where's (F/n)?" Uno asked.

"She's resting. You four go back to your cell!"

Hajime was at a meeting with the Warden, and Yamato was likely lost somewhere, so Seitarou was acting as in charge as he possibly could. The boys were not easily budged, however, and they pretty much went where they wanted. Nico had brought some manga to read, so it seemed Seitarou was stuck.

"You like her don't you?" Uno said, giving the guard a wink.

The blush was rising on his cheeks, but Seitarou just replied, "Yes, she's a very good person to work with."

"I think he means more than that," Jyugo said, petting the cat.

"Yeah do you love her?" Nico asked energetically, taking a break from his manga to join in the teasing.

"Love?! I-I..."

Seitarou's voice trailed off. He was not fond of lying, even though he knew how merciless Cell 13 could get when it came to poking fun. They definitely had a knack for stirring up someone's heartstrings.

"SEITAROU'S GOT A CRUUUSH!" Nico chirped as the guard's cheeks grew rosy in an unsubtle shade of pink.

"Pipe down or you'll wake her up! She's sleeping in there!" Seitarou urged, pointing toward the room.

"Okay, you're right, Sleeping Beauty needs her beauty sleep (lol)," Uno joked.

"These snacks are really good! You should try some," Rock interjected, passing around the snacks.

Seitarou was too flustered to take anything down his throat right then. His distress levels were doing brutal flips as he shook his head.

"But you do have a crush on her, don't you?" Jyugo pressed onward, his voice nonchalant even though he was rather curious to know the answer.

"I don't even know...," Seitarou whined. "I like spending time with her. She lightens up the general atmosphere of the workplace quite a bit, and I'd love to go somewhere other than work sometime with her..."

"Ahh. I see," Uno said in mock thoughtfulness. "You've got a case of the lovebug, alright."

"Yup, no doubt about it," Rock agreed.

"You guys! I don't want her knowing, okay?!"

You pushed open your door at that exact moment. Your colleague nearly had a heart attack as you drifted back into the main office.

"How was your rest?" he asked after clearing his throat.

"Very helpful. I feel much better now."

"I'm glad."

You leaned over and kissed his cheek sweetly. The man was so adorable to you, especially now that you had overhead some precious gossip. That night duty room's door was not very thick... Truth was, you had woken up much earlier, listening to Seitarou admit to the inmates how much he enjoyed your company.

"Thanks for everything, Seitarou," you whispered in his ear, to which his back tensed up with nerves. "That medicine helped a lot."

"N-No problem, (F/n)," he said, his dark pink eyes sliding left and right. "I'm happy that I c-could h-help."

You plopped down in a seat, taking out a writing instrument. You could feel the prickly heat of Seitarou stealing glances at you, so you added, "I'm free tomorrow night."


He was confused and nervous, and... Actually, he was mostly just nervous. After being teased about you for the past fifteen minutes, your beautifulness was making him freeze up. His brain was running awkward zig zags all over the place in his skull.

"You want to take me out on a date, don't you?" you asked, tilting your head in that innocent little schoolgirl type of way.

Well, now Seitarou thought he was the one needing to take a break in the night duty room. He was beginning to feel more than a bit lightheaded.

"I... Yeah I do!" he managed, worried he might pass out from shock.

You giggled and moved over to sit in his lap. He had no idea what to do with his flailing arms as you put your butt down on his thighs.

The door opened and Hajime entered, back from his meeting.

"Ahh Supervisor!"

"So you finally asked her out," Hajime remarked.

"More like I asked him," you answered for the blubbering guard, who was still trying to wrap his consciousness around the fact that you were sitting on him.

The gorilla supervisor chuckled and said, "Hmm. I could've guessed."


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