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"My heart kept racing as if it's my own story"

Chaewon POV
"Hey Yerim I have something to tell you" Sure go for it said the purple haired girl "I like ..you" Yerim was just dumbed and said "Sorry Chaewon but I am dating someone " that moment was so embarrassing I didn't know what to do except a run to the nearest bathroom I went into one stall and started crying. I guess I didn't lock the door because when I looked up I saw hyejoo wich was made everything more embarrassing.
Hyejoo Pov
I heard someone crying inside the bathroom I decided to check on the the stall the person was in when I opened it to my surprised it was Chaewon? "Are you okay "I asked her to my surprise again she just ignore my question and hugged me tightly . I had the same feeling as when I kissed her the first time and with out warning her I kissed her again..
Chaewon POV
She kissed me.. again! She asked me what happened and I told her everything she told me that I don't need Yerim to be happy but Yerim was my best friend I have to apologized to Yerim I said goodbye to hyejoo and went out to find Yerim after I apologize to her and found out she was dating Yeojin the Yeojin that was like a my child to me well that made it even more embarrassing ."You can be my friends if you stop talking to hyejoo she is bad for you and I am your best friends don't I don't her to play with your feelings "Yerim said "but..hyejoo is a nice person " I said Yerim look at me in a serious way and I just nodded and went my way to class .
Hyejoo POV
During class I was really bored this class is fucking boring I wanted to talk to Chaewon trying not to make noise I went to her seat and gave her a hug and whispered in her ear "hi princess Chaewon " but she ignored me and keep doing her work "why are not talking to me " I said no respond I went back to me seat Why was she not talking to me did I do something!

Sorry if there spelling errors I made this chapter longer to make up that I didn't update for a wile

Ahh I can't wait for season 2 of the Tam Tam
Both hyejoo and Yerim want to be with Go won I can't wait to see who she choose

Ahh I can't wait for season 2 of the Tam TamBoth hyejoo and Yerim want to be with Go won  I can't wait to see who she choose

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