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You woke to another bright, sunny morning, the sun almost blinding you as the oddly pink hue hit your eyes through the window. Despite the rude awakenings you often had in the mornings, things had been shaping up pretty well ever since you had gotten on the good side of King Candy, the ruler over all the characters in Sugar Rush.
Your character, (Name), had never really been an official racer. You were more like one of the onlookers, cheering people on and waving as the racers sped down the tracks.
You typically found yourself cheering most of all for the king. Not for any particular reason, you just appreciated his attitude and overall bubbly-ness. And of course, once the races were done and over with you would have to wander around the game's terrain, looking for some place to waste time until the next person decided to play. Even though everything was colorful and cheery (and delicious), it was quite boring. That was until King Candy noticed you. He must've never paid very close attention before, he thought, because he had never seen your character on the sidelines until weeks after you had started showing up.

But how strange he thought it was when he finally saw a girl waving on the side of a mountain one day, who didn't look much like the other NPCs at all. He raced to the finish line, won first prize (inevitably), and took his earnings, then instead of heading back to his lavish castle, drive off among the hills looking for the out-of-place character.

After you watched the last players cross your sitting spot, you started your walk back down the mountain. You kicked at the dust, or rather, the cocoa powder- how awesome it would be to actually race. You were trying to think of a way to waste a few minutes, maybe climb a tree or something, when you saw something moving in the distance. It didn't look like they were on foot, with all the dust moving behind them. It started getting bigger. And bigger... and- ssssssshoot. They were after you. Somebody was here to kick you out of the game or something. You started running. What did you do? You had tried not to be too noticeable! Clearly you wouldn't be able to out run whoever was driving after you. You took a second to look over your shoulder and saw the telltale pink and white car of King Candy. Double shoot. Did you make him angry? Surely this couldn't be good.

You gave up on running and shielded your face as the kart skidded to a halt. "There you are!" You heard the slightly goofy voice of the king call as you stood timidly in place. "I've been driving all over the kingdom to find you!" "Oh no- did I do something bad? I can leave if you want" you tried to reason, but he cut you off. "Oh heavens, no! I simply hadn't seen you before and wanted to introduce myself. Of course you probably know me already..." you gave a quick sigh of relief. "King Candy! Yes, I watch you all the time... racing, I mean." That came out weird. "Oh, a fan? Well it's very nice to meet you, miss...?" "(Name). It's nice to finally meet you as well!" You answered. "I must say," King Candy continued, "You don't look much like the other NPCs around here... are you from an update perhaps?" "I guess you could say that." You responded. "Well whatever are you doing all the way out here?" He asked. Hmm. Not much to answer for that. What are you doing out here? "Well..." you tried to come up with an answer. "I'm not exactly a racer, and I guess I don't fit in too well with the crowds so I usually just find some place down the track to come and watch." Candy nodded, seeming to get lost in thought as he stared at you. An awkward length of time passed before you coughed, "um, you ok your majesty?" You asked. He quickly snapped himself out of it and answered, "Yes, just fine! You know, I feel that there's a lot of potential in you. It seems unfortunate that it should be wasted doing nothing... how would you like to be my assistant?"

Code-crossed: King Candy (Turbo) x fem readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant