The Execution of a Dane (Part 1)

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Tears begin to fill my eyes as my father, the King of Wessex calls for the execution of my secret lover, Uhtred of Bebbanburg. Uhtred is faced towards the King's thrown, bound and held tightly at each arm by two large guards. 

Though Uhtred has earned himself a respectable title, after swearing his sword to my father and winning for him multiple battles; the title of an alderman of Wessex will not save him from any punishment, after having broken a law of Wessex.

Out of anger Uhtred had struck a priest in the chapel, and being it was a man of poor health, the strike had killed him.

My father stares down at Uhtred from his thrown, disgusted by his crime against a holy man of God. My mother, at the King's side also holds the same look of disgust and disgrace. There, I sit opposite to her and beside my father's thrown.

My heart is racing in my chest and I try desperately not to show any panic or fear. But this is not easy when my heart is so invested in the Dane being prosecuted.

"Father please," I begin, gripping the arms of my seat and digging my nails into the wood. "Uhtred is a good man. And what happened today was an accident!" I defend, trying to control my tears and daring them not to fall in front of my father, mother, and the other aldermen of Wessex.

I do not want to cause suspicion, or create speculation of our relationship. For if the truth were to be discovered, I fear that my father would certainly execute Uhtred right here and now. And It is just not proper for a Princess to fall in love with an alderman of Wessex... especially if it was Uhtred who was not your average alderman. And regardless of his royal title he is still seen as a heathen Dane.

The King looks over to me now. He is slightly suspicious of his daughter's interest to save Uhtred of Bebbanburg, but figures it is because I just have a pure heart for others. With an assertive tone my father says to me, "Y/n, I have made my ruling and the decision is final. Uhtred of Bebbanburg will be sentenced to death at first light tomorrow morning."

I look over to Uhtred, who is furious with my father. His face is serious and he is angry. After all that he had done for Alfred, this is how he chooses to repay him; with death.

Uhtred everts his gaze over to me and our eyes lock in meeting. Instantly a calm seems to wash over him as his icy blue eyes stare deeply into mine. I could not bare the thought of no longer being able to stare into those eyes.

Uhtred will not die by my father's kingly command because I wont allow it.

Now, I stand from my seat even though my knees feel weak. Uhtred's eyes are still on me as I speak again. "Please, " I plead once more.

My eyes move from my Dane lover back over to my father. "Father, I am begging of you, find it in your heart to have mercy on, Uhtred." Desperation is laced within my voice and in every word.

I am startled by the King as he shouts, "Y/n! I will hear no more of it!"

My father chooses to stand also. He is so angry he can no longer sit still. He stands taller than me and stares me down, not just as a scolding parent but as an authoritative figure; the King of Wessex.

"You are the Princess of Wessex," he continues, " And you will stand beside the law of this kingdom!" After being barked at, I gulp in fear, but dare not to show it.

King Alfred sighs, rubbing his temples after his spat of frustration. He takes a seat back onto his thrown and motions for his guards to take Uhtred away.

"Take him back to the dungeon. I have said all I needed to." He completes. I look over to Uhtred in alarm. "Let him go!" I shout as the guards begin to pull him away. Uhtred goes willingly, not caring to fight back and cause a scene, for he knew it was a losing battle against King Alfred anyway.

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