𝒦𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝐹𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓈

Start from the beginning

They exchange a brief glance before returning to the topic on hand.

"Even if I were to meet him, who would you introduce me as?"

Frowning, Toshinori tilts his head. "As (Surname) (Name), of course. Why would it be any different?"

(Name) sneers at him, reaching out to flick his forehead. "You're such a noob sometimes, Toshi. Why would you be hanging out with someone of the opposite sex who is practically half your age? I know you forget sometimes, but I don't exactly look my age."

Realization crosses his face and he turns away to watch Izuku's progress with a thoughtful frown. "My niece, maybe?" he muses, raising his eyebrows at her.

Nodding slowly, she hums. "That could work. Your distant cousin's kid or something."

"Or an old friend's daughter," he adds. "Do you speak English fluently?"

She scoffs. "You think I spent all these years without picking up the most commonly spoken languages in the world? I could passably pretend to be from anywhere."

Grinning, he rewards her with two thumbs up. "Wonderful! The daughter of a college friend from America then."

"And what am I doing in Japan? It has to be something long-term."

Toshinori peers at her, rubbing his chin in thought. "Maybe you should get a job, (Name)," he suggests. "It will help your cover. You could be in Japan for work in that case."

Unimpressed, (Name) narrows her eyes. "I do have a job, Yagi Toshinori. You think dealing with deities and dead people is easy? It is a very demanding full-time job. And when I'm not doing that, I have to make sure you don't end up killing yourself prematurely. I am a very busy woman. Besides, I have no educational credentials. Not to mention the fact that I'm literally dead."

He raises a hand sheepishly. "Technically," Toshinori points out, "you were considered missing. (Surname) (Name) was never officially declared dead."

"Officially, I'm also sixty-five," she points out. "I should be retired."

That has him falling quiet, and he turns away to think hard over a plausible cover story for his dead friend while she watches his pupil struggle across the beach. "Well, we could say you work in a travel agency?" he muses. "Or that you're an assistant of sorts. It isn't far from what you do. Just more..."

"More normal sounding?" she finishes, smiling with raised eyebrows. "Let's combine that. The assistant to someone who runs a pick-up service. Reaper can be my fake boss if we need him to protect my cover."

Brightening, Toshinori nods, looking very pleased with their finished product. "Good work, (Name)!"

"We aren't done yet," she interrupts, and he deflates instantly. "Why would I be hanging out with you if I'm so regular?" Her tone makes it obvious she already has a solution in mind, so he only gestures for her to continue. (Name) smirks. "We kill my fake parent from America."

Toshinori gasps, covering his mouth at the blood that comes gushing forth, much to both their displeasure.

She hands him a handkerchief from the pocket in her shorts. "They're dead so you felt like you needed to take responsibility of their only child who was so far from home and now orphaned. You're like a surrogate dad or something to me now, so that's why I'm always around and so concerned about your well-being if someone other than just Izuku has to know my role in your life."

He cheers in excitement, and distantly, they hear Izuku try to return the enthusiasm though he doesn't sound like he's in a good enough shape to really match the volume.

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