Chapter eleven: It's my life

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I walked to my last class of the day with Frankie and Ivan by my side, potions and spells. The hallway was. crowded and some people would stop mid walk just to gawk at me. I have to say, it was pretty annoying.

" Take a picture it'll last longer! "

Ivan barked out a laugh at my snarky comment and poked my side playfully. " Easy there tiger, you're the school hero now, people want to get a good look at the prize. "

I rolled my eyes and looked over at Frankie, who has been madly texting since we started down the hall.

" What's wrong Frankie, got a hot date soon? "

Frankie laughed and put her phone away, glaring at me with a smile on her face. " If its bothering you so much, there are supposed to be two new students arriving on campus soon and I'm having Newt get all the info he can on them.

My eyes widened at this. Newt! I haven't seen or heard from him since me and Scotty had broken up, and that was almost three weeks ago.

" What ever happened to Newt? "

Frankie smiled at a passerby before looking back at me. " He never told you? He had to go to trials all last week, that's why he never went looking for you with us. He just came back yesterday, he's going to be hanging out with us tonight if you want to see him. "

Trials? So soon into the school year? Something life changing must have happened if he's going to trials already.

The trials are for getting out of the academy. Since most of the students here are at the academy for safety, they must go through many long trials on order to get back out. When you reach the age limit of nineteen, you only go through one and then your free to live your life on the outside world. Most supernaturals just get a job at the academy and move in to the worker dorms on the other side of campus though. Apparently discrimination against supernaturals is still pretty strong in some parts of the country. I don't know for sure though, I've never left campus until recently, and I only met four terrible people who liked to rape and torture. So yeah, the outside world doesn't seem so safe.

Of course though, Newt is probably the best person to gat a hold of for information on someone else. He knows everything about everyone, hell, he could even tell you who your first kiss was sometimes! And that's a fact.

I walked into class only to see Jeremiah sitting on the teachers desk yoga style. I looked around to see if anyone else noticed, they did.

" Dude what's up with the teacher? He doesn't even look like a wizard. Hey! what happened to Miss Pullock? "

Jeremiah looked over at Ivan and smiled. He had perfectly white teeth, they almost looked like they had been bleached once or twice to make them that shiny. He got up off his desk and went over to us, keeping his eyes on me the entire time.

" I'm afraid Miss Pullock is no longer with us anymore, I am your sub until Admin finds a new teacher to teach you guys. Bit don't worry, I know my way around potions. "

He winked and shook Ivan's hand, who looked very silly with his skinny jeans and Mickey Mouse T-shirt compared to Jeremiah's red silk dress shirt and black slacks. " I'm Mr. Cruz by the way. Please, take a seat anywhere you'd like, we'll begin our potion making very soon. "

Me, Ivan and Frankie took our seats at a work table right in front of " Mr. Cruz's " desk. I noticed Frankie hadn't said a word the entire time and now I knew why.

She has been longingly staring at Jeremiah this entire time. I wouldn't be surprised if drool started coming from her mouth soon. I shook my head and opened my portions notebook to where we last left off with Miss Pullock and waited for Jeremiah to start the class.

" Now, we are going to learn how to create the bravery potion. Make this potion successfully, and even the most cowardice person could save the world! "

I looked up at this and noticed him staring directly at me. I glared at him and wrote down the ingredients that we will need to create the potion.

We finished early so Jeremiah let us leave class before the bell, except for me. I waited at my desk for him to finish cleaning up before he turned to me with a glare.

" So this is what you'd rather do? Sit here, stuck in an academy while the rest of the world is in danger? "

I stood to my feet and approached him. I came as close as he would let me before saying what I had to say.

" So this is what you'd rather do? Come to a school as a substitute teacher and stalk me until I agree to 'save the world'? Well I have one to tell you, you creep! I'm not going to save the world. You still have the wrong girl, and you'll probably have the wrong girl tomorrow. You know why? Because there isn't going to be a war! "

Jeremiah smirked at this. He turned back towards his desk and grabbed his suitcase that probably held the Prophecy or something before heading towards the door. He opened it and turned back towards me.

" Those monsters were here because the government sent them. Didn't you notice how your school wasn't o the news for this, or how no officials came to the rescue? You go ahead and keep denying your destiny Lyric, but the war is coming. Whether you want to save it or not. "

And with that, he left the class, leaving me, and my horrifies face alone. Our school wasn't on the news. I can't be so sure about the officials coming since I was kinda dead, but I would have known if we were on the news. I grabbed my bag and rushed out of the class, only to run into Newt.

" Oh hey! I didn't know you would be around today. "

He smiled and pushed his glasses higher up the bridge of his nose. " Frankie said you were supposed to hang out with us, she sent me to get you. "

I smiled and gave him a friendly hug before walking with him out of the school and into the parking lot towards his car. " So what are we doing exactly? " I asked as he started his little smart car. He looked at me and smiled tiredly.

" We're watching mean girls and barbecuing at Rougue's place. "

I groaned and rolled my eyes, smiling. Rougue and Frankie loved mean girls, and it was probably Ivan who wanted barbecue. We drove over there only to be greeted by Robin's loud rock music. We made our way inside and saw that the movie was just about to start. I grabbed a plate of ribs and settled myself beside Rougue and Frankie. I hated mean girls, but there was no way I was going home.

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