•Forget about her•

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After the incident that happened in Grays bar, Violet gave her phone number to Rai. She told him to take his time so he can talk to her sometime without freaking out.
Rai was really confused, but also he was feeling guilty for making her cry, even though he didn't know the reason why she was crying.
It was really late and Rai couldn't sleep. He was rolling on his bed trying to find a comfortable spot to fall asleep.
He sighed and grabbed his phone. He really needed to talk to someone.

"Hey Fie...it's me"

"Oh Rai, what's up?" Fie sounded like she just woke up.

"Uh..Sorry for waking you up.." Rai said and his voice cracked a bit.

"No..it's fine..Why you sound like that ? Did something bad happened?" She said with a monotone voice.

"Well..Yeah..Remember when I told you about that girl?" Rai said.
"That crazy one who started crying without a reason?..Yeah you told me about her yesterday.."

"I can't stop thinking about her..the things she said were all so weird, and for some reason I felt like I actually knew her." Rai blushed a bit saying all those stuff to his girl best friend.

*sigh* " Just go to sleep Rai..we'll talk about this tomorrow, it's 02:00 am." Fie said a bit annoyed.

"Oh..okay sorry for waking you up again goodnight."
"Bye.." Fie hang up on him.
•Rai's POV•
"Do I really know this girl?..If yes then why can't I remember her? So does my uncle...I'm really confused."
After a while Rai fall asleep.
Violet was walking down the dark streets..Making her way to the nearest park. The streets were all empty, nobody walked around and there were a few cars passing by. Violet had received a phone call, so she had to meet up with someone in that park. There he was...She was really nervous and started sweating while getting closer to him.
She stood next to the hooded man.
"W-why you called me this late?" She said with a trembling voice.
"I told you not to say or do anything.." the man said with a calm but inpatient voice.
Violet took a step back
"But I couldn't just leave him like this!" She shouted at him.
"Violet..we made a deal." The man said and turned his face towards her.

"SCREW THIS! This is not fair! Why are you trying to keep him away from us?!" Violet screamed.

"What you did was pointless..You're just making things worse..Don't approach him again, am I clear?"
The man gave her a dangerous look.

"....Fine" she said and turned her back on him. "I'm leaving.."
•The next morning•
Rai woke up feeling a bit weird. He stood up and made his way through the kitchen. After he ate breakfast and taking a quick shower he was ready to know more about what the girl said.
He went to his room and picked up his jacket which had Violet's number in it. But the piece of paper was nowhere to found.
"What?...But I'm sure I put it here"
Rai looked everywhere, but the piece of paper was gone. He then thought that his uncle may have took it.
He went downstairs to ask his uncle if he had took it.
"Hey..um,do you have the number that Violet gave us?" He asked.

"No, why?" His uncle said.

"I can't find it anywhere.." Rai said disappointed.
"I guess you must have dropped it" His uncle replied.
"Oh no...now how can I find her, I want to talk to her!" Rai said.
"Well I guess you won't..Let's just forget about all this Rai"
"Forget how??, A random girl comes to your bar and says she knows us..And you telling me to forget about it? No way"
"Just forget about her Rai!"
Rai said furious, he went up to his room got dressed and make his way through the door.
"Where are you going?" His uncle asked.
"I'm going to Jo's house..I'll be late, don't wait for me." He said and left the house.

I'll upload soon new part, thanks for reading and supporting, I hope you all like it<3.

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