Chapter Forty-Six

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I ran into my mother's open arms, all pain receding as she wrapped herself around me, her arms folding around my waist like sunbeams. I sank into the embrace, burying my face in her shoulder - she smelt of a log fire, a smell that always comforted me. She kissed the side of my head (the non-bleeding side) and muttered small words of comfort in Russian.

Just when I felt her pulling back, a hand clamped down onto my non-dislocated shoulder. There was a bang and a bright flash, and suddenly we weren't standing in a police-ridden street in Ireland, we were in the wavy green grass of the lawn outside the Avengers tower. Holly stood next to me, clutching my hand, and Evie lay unconscious in Tony's arms. I was stunned and a bit dizzy and still seeing stars, but through all the chaos I could make out Tina and Ben running through the grass towards us, taking Evie of Tony and hugging her tight.

Nat hugged me again. "I can't believe you did that," she whispered into my ear. "You're so stupid, Kira." She choked back a sob. Her breath smelt of apples. "I love you, kiddo. Seriously."

I squeezed her back. "I love you too, Mummy."

For some reason, that made Nat cry. Her shoulders started to shake and tears, warm and salty, spilled out from her eyes like raindrops. I patted her on the back comfortingly, keeping her close to me when we let go. She wiped her eyes and smiled wobbly through the tears. "маленькая птица." she said affectionately. 

I felt another hand on my shoulder. It was Steve, and I threw my arms around him. He was very huggable, it seemed - he was covered in blood and grime and sweat, but that made no difference. I'd never had a father figure to look up to in my life and, to be honest, I didn't know how they worked, but Steve was as close to a dad as I'd ever get. I felt more people crowding in, and soon all the Avengers came in for a big group hug. Smiling wobbly smiles after we'd pulled back, I surveyed all of their faces, from caring Bruce to joking Thor to sweet Wanda - I loved them all so much. 

Then I looked past them, over Tony's shoulder, to see somebody standing alone, without anybody to comfort her.

I moved past the Avengers, who turned around to see who I was moving towards. Holly's lips curled into a smirk and she folded her arms, trying to replace the sadness I'd seen before with humour. "Feelings are for nerds," she grinned, elbowing me. "Did you see yourselves? I mean, jeez, how many hugs do you guys have to do? I didn't know the famous Avengers were such saps."

I hugged her. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "But we all need a bit of sappiness sometime."

Holly pushed me away. "Don't hug me," she snapped, wincing. "I think my ribs are broken."

I laughed, an idea lighting to my mind. Tugging my sister by the arm, I moved her so that she and the Avengers were facing. My family looked skeptical as I smiled at them, their anxious eyes narrowing at Holly. "Guys," I said, "I'd like for you to meet Holly Adams." Holly sucked in a sharp breath. "Holly is my sister. She's had a bit of a rough past but she's kind, smart, grumpy, super funny, and way cooler than me. I think you'll like her a lot once you get to know her." Directing the last bit directly at my mother, I turned to Holly. "Holly, these are the Avengers."

Holly smiled and waved awkwardly. "Um. Hi."

After a moment's hesitation, the Avengers all smiled back, greeting her with a chorus of 'hey's', 'hi's' and 'hello's.' After a brief and slightly awkward silence, Nat stepped forwards and looked directly at Holly.

"I know you said you don't want people to hug you, but surely you can spare one for your mother?" Nat's tone was hopeful as she said this.

Holly beamed and closed the gap between them, throwing her arms around our mother. Nat's arms folded around her waist and pulled her close. "Okay," Holly breathed, and everybody cheered.

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