Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Name: Holly Alyssa Adams

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"Name: Holly Alyssa Adams

DOB: 23 / 4 / 2004

Height: 160cm (5"2)

Weight: 46kg

Hair Colour: Red

Eye Colour: Blue/Green

Skin Colour: White/Caucasian

Citizen: American-Irish

Parents: Natasha Romanoff, unknown.

Previous Guardian: Kristoff Agnelsson 

Current Location: Kinsdale, Ireland

Last Seen At: Daley's Bridge, Galway, Ireland

Last Known Associates Before Disappearance: Kristoff Agnelsson, Miller Doherty

Current Associates: Endie McGuffin, Afia Musindalo, Addison Rae, Todd Posey

Abilities: Solartechnic, Moontechnic (harnessing of shadows and light)

Danger Factor: Extremely Dangerous.

Notes: Adams is not to be underestimated. She managed to escape from me in Galway and has caused all sorts of mischief as such. She is small in stature but that which she lacks she makes up for in bravery. She is extremely impulsive and tends to act before she thinks, which is a shame because she is capable of extreme intelligence. She is the third Red Triplet. The other two are out there somewhere. We must hunt them down: find them and destroy them before they destroy us. Adams has set up what word around town calls the "Salvatore Squad" consisting of homeless children with similar abilities: Endie McGuffin, Afia Musindalo, Addison Rae, and Todd Posey. We must find them. We must.

Form Filled Out By: Doctor Kristoff Agnelsson."

I finished reading, my heart pounding. "Wowsers," Evie breathed. "She sounds like a badass."

"Yeah," Peter said, totally in awe. "The Salvatore Squad? That's cool." He squinted at the bright laptop screen. "It says that the Salvatore Squad consists of kids in Ireland who have gifts too, like you and me and Evie."

"We have to find them," I said. 

Evie and Peter looked at me. "What?" Evie said. "Kira, you heard what Natasha told Bruce. She doesn't want us to find Holly. Maybe it's for the best."

I shook my head. "I love Nat, I really do," I said. "But we have to find Holly. She's our sister, and besides, she and the Salvatore Squad sound like they might need some help fighting off this doctor guy... what's his name? Kristoff Agnelsson."

"He sounds like a government operative," Peter concluded. "Kind-of like Ivan, but where he's hunting Holly, not just you two."

"I wonder..." I breathed, something in my brain clicking. "I wonder if Kristoff Agnelsson was the one who kidnapped us."

"Why would you say that?" Evie looked hurt and confused. 

Peter's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. "Yeah, Bombshell... That seems a bit odd, even for you."

"What do you mean, 'even for me?'" I demanded, laughing. Turning all serious again, I said, "Guys, it makes sense. Kristoff Agnelsson took the embryo and divided it into three somehow." I made a face. "That's gross. Anyway, he did that, like the complete weirdo he is, and suddenly there were three of us: Me, you and Holly. He gave me and you to Ivan, who paired us with Tori and experimented on us, like a psycho. But Kristoff - it says in the file he was Holly's previous guardian, and from what I've read, he doesn't seem like a very nice guy. Maybe he took Holly for himself and raised her as his daughter because he was lonely or something." I glanced at Evie and Peter's skeptical faces and added, blushing a bit, "I know it sounds crazy, but I think that's what happened. Then Holly must have escaped from him at Daley's Bridge at Galway, and found her way to Kinsdale, where she founded the Salvatore Squad. It sounds like Kristoff is still hunting her."

"It kinda makes sense," Evie said, shrugging. "But why does Natasha and Bruce want to keep Holly from us? There must be a reason. There's always a reason."

"Mr Stark might know," Peter piped up. "I could ask him."

I shook my head and shut my laptop lid, pocketing the watermelon USB. "No. This stays between us. If we ever need to... I dunno, sneak out in secret to go to Ireland or something, then we can be the only ones who know. It would put everyone else in danger."

"Why don't we do that?" Peter asked. "Sneak out and go to Ireland. We could find Holly and the Salvatore Squad and bring down Ivan and Kristoff."

"We could avenge Tori," said Evie. She and Peter shared a determined grin.

I could feel a lump rising in my throat. "If we left, it would kill Nat," I said softly. "I only just got her back. She's my mum. I think I need to stay with her. To support her."

"Support her through what?" Peter asked.

"Well, she's just found out she has three daughters," Evie said sarcastically, snorting. "One of which is possibly a badass Irish delinquent who could destroy the world if reunited with her sisters."

I nodded. "If we are to go to Ireland, we have to go when nobody will suspect us leaving. We can't go right now, this has to be a methodical plan: if we ran away right now, Mum would think it was because of Tori, and it isn't."

"What's because of Tori?" came a small voice at the doorway. "Why are you running away to Ireland?"

We all swung around. The small frame of Ben was illuminated in the door. He was rubbing his eyes sleepily, one hand holding a small brown teddy by the leg.

"Oh crap," said Peter.

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