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Maddys POV- 2 days after Rhydian left

Rhydian had been away for 2 days now- all types of questions were going through my head. Why did he go? Is he coming back? Where is he now? I mean, He had only been at school for a half term!

I know at the start we didn't get on so well, but honestly- that wasn't for long at all- he was one of our friends now. All of us had fallen out a few times, it's normal, because we're best friends.

I sat on my bed and had a think about everything. After about 5 minutes, I looked at my clock- 10:15am.

I called Shannon and Tom and told them both to meet me at Bernies in 15 minutes.

I got dressed into a plain brown long sleeved top and a pair of dark blue jeans. I went downstair and pulled on my grey Hollister coat, slipped on my black vans and opened the front door.

'And Where do you think you're going' just before I walked out I was stopped by the house guard dog AKA mum.

'I'm meeting Tom and Shan at Bernies' I looked at my watch 'oh look, in 10 minutes'

'Just go before I change my mind' she replied, although she knew I had attitude. She knew that if she didn't let me go I would find a way to sneak out and probably get my self into more trouble. She should probably find better ways to discipline me.


Hey Guys! I know I'm not a very good writer but I hope you like it :) thanks for reading!!

-Lauren xx

A Promise that I'll keepOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora