"It's okay Tzu, you let me stay in your condo before so .. I'm just giving back the help you gave to me before...You can stay here whenever you want."

"Komawo Unnie.."

"But, I'm worried with Sana Unnie. She has no one with inside your house.."

"Momo Unnie is already there, I call here ask her a favor to sleep in the house tonight.."

"Your eyes are swollen.." 

"I feel like I'm slowly loosing wife Unnie.." A sudden tears falls from Tzuyu's eyes...

Elkie felt the pain and hardship that Tzuyu was going through .... so she approached tzuyu and hugged her tightly.

"It's okay to cry Tzu... Just cry, cry for as long as you want. I'm here, You can lean on my shoulder..." Elkie said, as she was caressing the latter's back...


Two days have passed since Tzuyu did not return home. She was still staying in Elkie's condo.

Meanwhile Sana was still sad and feel guilty at the same time, she tried to message the latter but she got no response from her.

She don't know, but she suddenly feel a sting on her heart. She admit to herself that she already missed Tzuyu's presence, it's been 2 days since the latter left her alone in the house.

"Did she already gave up on me??.." Sana Mumble to herself, when suddenly Gucci barks...

"Is she tired??..." Once again Gucci Barks..

"I already missed her..." Sana said as she laid down in her bed... "Ughhh... Why am I so stupid??..." She irritatedly said to herself..

"Why I can't still remember anything 😥.."

"Gucci ~ Chan, your owner is not talking to me anymore, what should I do???..."

Gucci lean closer to Sana and licked the latter's face...

Minutes later, Sana suddenly feel someone's presence in the other room...

"Is that Tzuyu???...." She asked..

She immediately stood up, and looked at the window.. she saw a car in front of their house and a girl in the driver seats.

Sana went out of the room and met Tzuyu outside the guest room while holding a bag pack and a paper bag...

Tzuyu and Sana made an eye contact, while Sana's heart suddenly beat so fast the moment she saw the latter...

Her heart, is beating for happiness because finally she already saw the person she was longing for...

"I-I'll only get my things..." Tzuyu said...

Sana suddenly froze the moment Tzuyu started to talked and not a single word came out from her mouth, she still feel guilty toward the latter.

"I'll have to go..." Tzuyu said, she was about to walk when Sana suddenly held her wrist...

"I-I miss you.. I admit I missed your presence, I feel so lonely when you're not here" Sana said in a lowered tone enough for Tzuyu to hear it...

"You complain about being lonely, but when I was there for you, you completely ignore me Sana..."

"I'm sorry..."

"I wanted to be honest with you...."

Sana looked at Tzuyu through her eyes, and  she can feel Tzuyu's pain on it..

"I'm tired Sana..."

"I-I thought you will help me to remember you??.."

"What am I doing?? I put a lots of efforts but you already stopped acknowledging my feelings, you're pushing me away. don't you know how much it hurts me?.."

"I'll try to remember you from now on, please forgive me for what I did."

"I already forgive you, and I can't be mad at you even though I want it. But, this time please give me chance to think for myself too."

Tzuyu genuinely smile at her, she walks closer to the latter...

"I know I told you I would never kiss you again. But.... Let me kiss you again for one last time..." Tzuyu kissed Sana's forehead. "Please take care of yourself Love.." Tzuyu kissed Sana's lips...

Sana can't hold her emotions anymore, as she was now bursting into tears...

"Comeback to me, if you already remember me Sana..." Tzuyu  hugs latter tightly before she starts to walks away...


Tzuyu and Elkie went to the coffee shop after Tzuyu get all the things she need for the upcoming fashion show she will be attending...

"Tzuyu, are you alright??.."


"You really missed her aren't you??.."

"I do, I really do Unnie..."

"You both need space, I hope Sana Unnie will realize your worth soon.."

"Even though I want to get mad at her, I can't Sana is the most important thing in my life.. I will bare all this pain, I'm willing to feel all the pain just for her..."

"Just understand Sana Unnie's situation Tzu, and I think she really don't mean what she did... She can't remember you, and she's currently adjusting herself.."

"That's why, I decided to stay away for now so that she can relax her mind."

"I understand Tzu ...."


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