Operation Spin Cycle

Start from the beginning

" Yep, named after my aunt". I grinned.

"Give me one more minute". He said as he walked around to the back of the van. I eyed him closely as I laid my hand on the gun I had hidden by the seat. It wasn't long before he came back. "You have clearance" . He said nodding to the other guard to open the fence.

Once in I mentally recalled the map of this place that I had studied. "Go left here then keep straight. It should take me right there". Sure enough it did.

The delivery and loading docks came into view. Carefully I backed the van up to a empty receiving door. Hopping out, I knocked on the outside of the van twice to inform Aiden and the men that I was going in. Ringing the buzzer to the door I waited for a guard to answer. When he did I held my clipboard out to him. "I need you to sign for the laundry delivery" .

He scribbled something that resembled swirls onto the paper and allowed me in, no questions asked. I walked to the inside of the dock and to the back of the van. Trying to look as if I knew what I was doing, I raised the latch and let the door slide up with a clank. There was no sign of Aiden or the other's but I knew that they were there. Yanking a cart full of clean lien from the back I turned to go. "Be careful wildflower" I heard Aiden whisper" .

It wasn't hard to find my way to where I had to drop the thing's off. The receiving lady was older but friendly. "Just leave them there. Our dirty lien is down the hall waiting for you".

I nodded then asked. "Is there a bathroom I can use? That time of the month". I groaned.

She smiled warmly. "I'm so glad that's over for me. You'll find the bathroom just past the soiled lien collections". She smiled warmly.

I smiled my thanks and moved on. Of course I didn't need the restroom but I needed to buy some time. Passing the bathroom, I peeked into every door. Finally I spotted her sitting alone in what looked like a reading room. There was a few guard's standing about keeping a watchful eye on the women. The chatter was at a moderate level and I had to get Tia's attention. I begin to tap out our secret tune in the metal door. I smiled when she heard it and begin to look around. Finally she spotted me through the window and I flicked her off and mouthed "Come on."

" What? " she mouthed back.

I made a running motion and gestured with my hand for her to come. She glanced around assessing the room out. Finally she stood and walked over to a very big, tall woman. Bending down she whispered something into her ear. The woman stood up with her fists clinched and huffing. She stomped over to another table and jerked some other inmate up. It wasn't long before a full fledged brawl was going down. The guard's rushed about blowing their whistles and swinging their batons. Seeing her chance Tia raced to me. I opened the door and rushed her back down the hall. Finding the dirty lien cart I helped her in and covered her with the soiled clothes. "Oh. My. God". She hissed. "This smells like pure ass crack".

" Just shut up and stay covered". I whispered and pushed the cart fastly.

"Aiden and a few men will be in the back of the van. Do not uncover until I give Aiden the signal that I'm out of the gate's. Got it".

I saw her thumb peek up in a thumbs up sign. I knew she wasn't speaking because she was holding her breath to keep from smelling everyone's dirty clothes and snickered. Shoving her thumb back down, I came to the old receiving lady again. "Thanks for letting me use the bathroom" . I called as I kept walking.

She begin to chatter about understanding but I had no time for talk. "Sorry. I'm running behind on deliveries. We will talk next time".

Finally I made it to the van and rolled the cart inside. "Big delivery" I said so Aiden would know that I had Tia.

Slamming the door down and latching it, I climbed into the seat and pulled off. I was relieved that the guard waved me on through the gate's. Soon as I pulled out I banged my fist on the cab so Aiden would know that we was in the clear. Soon I was speeding down the dirt road to the car. Rushing along, we all piled in and left the van abandoned. "Where is Heir? How is he?" Tia asked in a panic.

I filled her in on everyone and everything. "I can't survive without Heir". She whimpered and I let her be. I knew she needed time to absorb the news and her escape.

Spotting the SUV in the parking lot I pulled over to it where we all raced to get inside. Before we could close the door my G-pop was taking off heading back to the desert. Tia immediately grasped Sam who was being held by my G- mom. Something wasn't right, what had I missed. Giving my G-pop a questioning look he supplied. "We got word about Sire. He escaped early this morning leaving several guard's dead. We don't know where he's at or where he's heading. All we can do is place eye's in New York and Vegas. He may go back to New York in search of Sam or Vegas in search of you or King".

Sam sobbed. "What if he's hurt or what if they get to him before we find him?"

G-mom tried to reassure her that we would find Sire as my heart went out to her. Yes, my mom is crippled and my Pape and brother locked away but Sam has lost her husband and her three sons. Focusing on the road ahead, I tried not to dwell all of the hurt our family is going through.

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What do you think about how they rescued Tia?

Poor Sam, will this be too much for her?

Where do you think Sire will go?

Remember, everyone is hidden underground. Will they find Sire since he might not be able to locate them?

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