Students are still staring while all four of us walk into the school. I really didn't need to be reminded of the harassment I went through last year.

"Babygirl, what happened last year? You look all upset"

"I have to go to announcements, I'll see you in math okay?" I kiss Penelope on the cheek before running off to the main office.

~Lizzie's P.O.V~

Josie runs off leaving a concerned Penelope with Hope and I. "Hey, she'll tell you. Right now it just opened up some closed wounds" I explain. Josie doesn't deserve to be called all the things she has been. "Pornstar, slut, Josette Slutzman." Last year she heard a lot of that. Only because people wanted to be with her and when she turned them down, they'd make up false rumors. Or if she had a friend over, they'd use her and tell the whole school they slept with her. When the edited porno came out I cried every night with Josie.

"Yeah, I get it. I just hate to see her upset. The guy mentioned a porno?"

"Penelope she'll tell you, trust us" Hope reassures.

The bell rings for homeroom so we all go our separate ways.

To: "Bff 👑"
Hope did you get the stuff??

From: "Bff 👑"
Yesss bitch!

To: "Bff 👑"
Friday after the game 😜

I am so excited Josie is gonna be so surprised on Friday when she sees what Hope and I decided to do.

"Penelope Park, Josie Saltzman and Vinny Green to the principals office."

Oh god, that can't be good. I hope they don't get detention. I mean Vinny deserved what he got.

~Penelope's P.O.V~

"Penelope Park, Josie Saltzman and Vinny Green to the principals office."

That's just great. It's only my second day, low and behold I've already gotten myself in trouble. I remember Josie telling me on my first day that the principals office is by the main office. I walk in to see my girlfriend on a chair waiting outside of the principals office. The guy I punched, I guess his name is Vinny, is sitting across from her.

"Baby I'm sorry I don't want you in trouble because of me" Josie walks over to me.

I glare at Vinny, "it's not you're fault some people are dick heads."

"I guess you don't know how much of a slut your girlfriend is." Vinny laughs. This guy clearly isn't gonna shut up until I make him.

"Dude don't fucking mess with me." I'm not a violent person but I might just become one.

"Penelope Park, you can come in" Principal Williams opens his office door. I walk into his office and take a seat on one of the cream colored chairs in front of his desk,

"Miss Park, nice to meet you. I understand this morning there was an altercation"

"Nice to meet you too" I start "to be honest Mr. Williams, I'm not a violent person. I know in my file from my other schools you can see that. I've never had any problems."

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