Chapter 1: Back Story

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As you sit on your bed listening to (F/G/S) you hope that Darius (Your Current Boyfriend) doesn't come home drunk from the bar and beat you again although you won't see him till probably 12 in the morning due to your stripper job he made you take. Now that you think about it he made you miss out on a lot of events and things with friends and family, he basically controlled your whole life since high school.

Back in high school (Y/N) was a rather shy, but well known new girl and Darius instantly fell in love with you so he asked you on a few dates and you fell for him, But little did you know that was the biggest mistake of your life.


I sat on my bed listening to Gorillaz thinking about my abusive boyfriend Darius and my rough up bringing, my alarm goes off to go to work. As I stood in the shower just letting the water hit me i think about my childhood in (C/HT/S) my mother dying and everything falling apart. My father verbally and emotionally abused us, but he never really put his hands on us. He put me and my sister out on the streets so we can gain money from selling our bodies to gross middle aged men just at the age of 14. Soon he got locked up and put in jail for 50 years so we left to live with our grandparents. Things were fine there, but my grandmother was old and couldn't take care of all 3 of us ( older brother, you, and younger sister just for to clarify) and my grandfather raped me from 15 to 17, but he got his.

When I was 16 my grandma died I was the saddest day of my life even through the shit we had already gone through and in all the midst of this I was with Darius. He didn't want me to go to her funeral, but I went behind his back and gone away because my grandmother was the only person who understood me and the only one I told about Darius. before she died she gave me a rose necklace to symbolize that she will always be with me and no matter how many petals i'll lose i'll still be considered a blooming rose.

Remember when I said my grandfather got his..well when my grandmother died he had custody of us, but i wasn't gonna let him rape me anymore or try to take my little sister's innocence even if she was 15. So I grabbed the gun from under my bed and shot him while he was sleep.....

(A/N) I know Im sorry I told you I was a dark person, but there's more to come stay tuned

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