How it started

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Whatever happened that night, happened because some stupid reason only the universe knows... Look, here's the deal.. You, my very lucky friend, have sleep with the corporal. You didn't mean to, hell until last night you didn't know he liked you! Well, allow me to explain...

It was a simple training day in the Survey Corps, you were partnered with your best friend Connie. Now, Connie isn't that bright, you can admit that... However, even you (Name) can grow to hate the baldy sometimes. As training went on, you found your (e/c) eyes wandering toward the corporal as he trained Eren. A twinge of jealously lit in your belly as you watched Levi move like an angel...

"(Name)! You aren't watching me! I'm teaching you secret techniques (A/N: Thank you spell check people ;-;) only known to a select few!" Connie yelled from beside you.

Oh Connie, if only you'd shut up! You thought as he followed your glance. A big ol' stupid smirk went across his face like a wildfire as he cupped his hands around his mouth.

"Hey! Sasha! Guess who has an eye on Levi~!" Connie teased in his ever loud voice causing everyone to look your way.

Your face lit up like a firework as you tried to shut Connie up, but he was dancing around singing the childish song: "You and Levi sitting in his office! K-I-S-S-I-N-G"! God, you could just die right now. Give me an armored titan smashing the wall please? And as you hid your face in your (h/c), up walked corporal Levi!

Dammit Connie! You and your mouth! Please! Just punish me! You thought not thinking of the consequences. Then you noticed something within his silver eyes as he gazed at you. You trembled without knowing why..

"Cadet (Last name), now that you and Connie have officially distracted everyone, you will be punished..." He said in an unforgiving tone. "Connie, go clean the stables. Not one spot should be missed! Cadet (last name), follow me..."

Your knees buckled, but you stayed up and followed him. Tears staining your (e/c) eyes, but, to hide them you hid your face in your hair.

This is going to be a LONG night... You thought, not knowing the half of it.

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