January: Human Paper.

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"Haha, you sleepy yet?" Felix asked Lucia who is presently looking glum as if the happiness in her life died inside of her.

"I slept halfway on an 18-hour flight and I'm sleepy? No!.... I'm just... Bored, that's all...." she replied, flipping her hair behind her, fidgeting in her seat. It was 2:50 in the morning, mind you and they were waiting for the video to upload.

"Ooh... Nice... Tattoo you got there..." he suddenly said.

"Tattoo? What tattoo? I've never gotten a tattoo before..." she replied, puzzled and confused. Not far from Lucia's expression, Pewdie pointed to the left part of his neck, gesturing her to check it for herself in the mirror. "What in the hell?!"

Five words printed boldly in black ink is written on her neck. "INSERT FANGS HERE" with two consecutive X marks below it and more under, is a much more small-written words that read, "BITE ME." It enraged her. She remembered that she mostly slept through the whole flight; most possibly the doings of the British Trio. Did she have that 'tattoo' throughout the whole trip?!

"Damn those cheeky Brits...." she murmured to herself but she knew she couldn't stay angry at them for long. "Uh... Um... Do... Do you have any water? Soap? Alcohol? Sanitizer? Paint Thinner? ANTHING?!" she panicked, rubbing her neck to see if the ink would fade away.

"Haha... There's a bathroom back there..." he laughed as he pointed behind himself where another door is.

Screams of anger and frustration echoed through the bathroom few minutes later, making Pewdie stand up to walk over to the bathroom to find her staring at herself haggardy in the mirror, panting. It was still there despite all her efforts to erase it.

"Bro, stop, stop, stop... You're gonna hurt yourself if you keep on doing that.... And soon, I'm gonna be working with a real redneck.... Literally!" he said, taking her out of the bathroom and back to the living room. His quick thinking of jokes makes her smile and they found that the video has finished loading and is now uploaded to Youtube.

Before they posted the video, they edited some footage and made the chase for Maya twice as fast to save on time plus with background music! "Now, let's just sit back.... Relax and find out more about each other...." Felix said as he sits back on the couch, watching Lucia cool off. Soon, she was back to her original self and sat opposite of each other.

"OK, let's start with something simple... Tell me some things about you..." Pewdie started.

"Alright... Lucia Rockfort, 22 years old.. Birthday? November 22... You?" she was feeling kinda awkward just by calling his partner by the name, 'Pewdie'. Maybe some reality will make it easier.

"Felix Kjellberg, LEVEL 23! Will evolve in October 24!" he replied, making her laugh by his words.

"Hahaha! What are your hobbies, Mr. Kjellberg? Besides gaming by the way..." she added, relieved that they found out something about each other even if it is just some basic info.

"Oh, so is this gonna turn out to be like the first day of school or something? Well, I like to hang out with friends and stuff... Probably sleep most of the day 'cause of 'busy work'... And... I like to.. Express my feelings through brisk physical movements with musical accompanyment...." he said so... scientifically, like stating a secret fact.

"Oh, you mean like.... DANCE?!" she doubted, stifling her laughter.

"What? What?! What's wrong with dancing, haha?!"

"Nothing its just that... I can't imagine you doing that, is all!"

"Aww, no... You did not just deny my secret affinity towards dancing....! I challenge you!... Someday.. like... Tomorrow after we play Lucius or something." he remembered.

"Sure... Game on, bro!"

"Hey, I know what you're doing...."


"You're trying to make me forget that you're gonna tell me YOUR hobbies! Stalling, now, eh? Eh? EH?"

"Ahaha... Wow... I cannot believe how imaginative your mind is!" Is sarcasm evident here? "Oh well... I like to draw and hang out with friends... Write some literature and... Uh... Watch HORROR MOVIES!" she said, stretching out her arms to scare him.

"So, you're pretty hardcore now, are ya?" Felix says as he gently moves her arms to prevent his face from getting injured or... something.

"Not really.... Still kinda mushy inside... And.. Playing Slender still scares me..." she tries to correct.

"Aha.... Slender really scares even the most hardcore of people... I salute him..."

"Yeah, wait... I'M NOT HARDCORE.... Besides.... It looks so easy when other people do it!!!"

"And its only funny when its someone else that gets scared!!" Felix pouts his lip.

"Haha, that's right... People take great delight in your fear...."

"OUR fear."

"Oh, yeah.... Right."

Awkward silence for a while.

"Hey, why don't I help you unpack?" Felix says as he breaks the awkward-combo-record.

"Uh, sure! Thanks!... Felix." she grinned, her tongue tingling with the new word she used. With that, her excitement caused her hair to flip to the other side, revealing another set of words written on the other part of her neck now, but in ballpen rather than marker. Chaos was written on the right part of her neck as sentences were understandable only with a different angle, side and elevation.

'We're a HUGE fan of yours!' - Alfie Deyes and Finn Harries :D

'I AM NOT WITH THEM.^' - Jack Harries >:I

'I love Pewdiepie!' - RegularTimer <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Felix couldn't help but smile at the evidence but kept it hidden. Seems there's more to Lucia than just a partner.

We Didn't Lose The Game; We Just Ran Out Of Time. A Pewdiepie Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now