HOW COULD SOMEBODY EVER LOVE ME? (my character's form)

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Full name: Audrey Jasmine Carter

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Full name: Audrey Jasmine Carter

Preferred name: Audrey

Nicknames: Aud, A, Firecrotch, Ginger, Firesnap, Gingerbread, Skater Girl, Loner

Faceclaim: Sadie Sink

Age & Birthdate: 15 & September 3rd

Gender & Pronouns: Female & she/her

Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual

Stereotype/label: The Skateboarding Outcast

God that inhabited them & short info about them: Atë, the goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, and folly. She was banished down to earth forever by her own father, Zeus, for tricking him into swearing an oath on Heracles. Ever since, she wreaked problems and havoc among mortals.

Why the god inhabited them: Atë noticed how alone Audrey was and it reminded her of her time on earth during her banishment. But she also saw the spark of chaos that was trying to be hidden and knew she was the one.

Symbol/tattoo: A snake with a large "M" (for mischief") on it

Abilities: When her eyes glow bright green, she can inflict mischief and chaos upon whoever she pleases. She also has charmspeak and can use certain aspects of telekinesis.

Love interest: Taken by Delilah Adams ( -lostfromneverland )

Personality: Audrey's a loner and likes it that way. She's never been the type to make friends and her sarcastic attitude and snarky words just makes people leave her. But she is kind and loyal and caring once someone manages to break down her walls. She is quite mischievous though and has tendency to prank her fellow students and teachers, a tendency that has been enhanced since Atë possessed her.

Likes & hobbies: Skateboarding, being alone, listening to music, her headphones, snakes, pranks, causing mischief, being immortal, Atë

Dislikes & fears: Homophobia, racism, authority, teachers, school, bullies, Zeus, being told what to do

Habits: Biting her nails, fidgeting, twirling her hair around her finger

Backstory: Audrey was normally on her own. Her parents were hardly around, going on business trips and when they were at home, they hardly gave their children attention. She sticks by her seventeen-year-old brother's side instead, since he basically raised her instead of their parents. Despite how much they bicker, she'll never admit how much she truly loves him and they do care about each other. Her life was overall normal and basic, nothing interesting that happened. Not until one night she fell asleep and woke up to the banished goddess of mischief and delusion now inhabiting her. (Drake Carter, taken by -lostfromneverland )

Contact name: Sk8r Audrey 🛹😈

Quote: "I swear that I will wreak mischief and havoc on whomever I please. Because it's fun and it's what I'm good at."

Other: Once got detention for smacking one of her bully's in the face with her skateboard; won't be caught dead in a dress; looks up to Atë in almost like a motherly figure and vowed to make her proud by being a new goddess. 


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