Chapter 9

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Angie's POV

"So what do you want to do today, birthday girl?" Asked German as he came out of the bathroom.

"Please don't call me birthday girl again." I groaned.

"Fine." He smiled. "Blondie." He added with a wink.

I let out a laugh and shook my head at him.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asked again.

"Nothing..." I lied, I wanted to do something but I didn't think German would do it with me. I asked Greg loads before and he would never do it. That reminds me, I haven't heard anything from Greg yet. Did he forget my birthday? No, I'm sure he didn't, he's probably just busy.

"Okay, you're lying. What do you want to do?" He asked. I looked up and he was stood in front of me with his arms crossed. The way he was stood made his muscles almost burst out of his shirt. Woah.

"Well there is something... But you wouldn't want to do it with me." I said as I looked down at my feet.

"Try me, birthday- Blondie." He grinned.

I looked at him, thing to figure out if he did it on purpose or not.

"I'm sorry. I meant blondie. Just blondie." he smirked.

"I want to go to a spa." I said shyly.

"That's all? Well that's fine, there's one in the hotel!" He was taking it better than I'd expected.... "Great, so you can go to the spa and I'll meet you back at the bar." He added. That's why he was being so cool about it... He didn't realise he was coming too.

"I'm not going alone." I argued.

"Well invite Rosie!"

"No. I'm spending my birthday with you."

"Angeles Carrar, what are you suggesting?" He asked, raising his eyebrow at me.

I rolled my eyes at the use of my full name before a huge grin took over my face. "Please?" I whined, using my best puppy dog eyes. He raised is hands in the air as a sign of defeat.

"Alright, but only because it's your birthday and I love you." He sighed.

"You'll do it?" I asked with excitement. He just nodded and smiled. I ran towards him and gave him a huge hug.

"This is going to be the most unmanly thing I've ever done." He groaned as I pulled away.

"Oh yeah? Even more unmanly than that time we were playing dress up and you put my mums make up on?" I smiled as I remembered the event clearly. It was the summer holidays and we were always together.

"Hey, hey, hey!" He said, waving his hands around in protest. "That's not how it was and you know it! You practically forced that make up on me! You even blackmailed me! You told me you would tell Julie I had a crush on her if I didn't play dress up with you!" He objected.

"You make me sound like an evil child." I laughed.

"You were."

"Then why were your friends with me?"

"Because, something drew me to you and I still haven't figured out what..."

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