The cursed LÖNG boi aka Pete

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Tendou hums as his favourite red headed reaper appeared yet again on his screen. He loved Grell, almost as much as he loved his team, perhaps even more. His sibling had introduced him to black butler a while ago, it had been on his watch list but he had never gotten around to it. That was until Mars was sick and made him watch it with him. Mars' roommate Annika was working away at the desk on some art project, or that's what she called it, Tendou didn't see the art in ripping apart a Furbie and turning it into something straight out a Steven King book but each to there own. Practice normally lasts at least 3 hours and it's only been 30 minutes, so tendou had a LÖNG time to go before he could leave the scary furbie girl alone. He sighed before pulling himself out of the armchair and creeping over to the desk where a bunch of googly eyes, fur, paint, resin and what Tendou could make out as the insides of the furry monster she was making sat in a mess around her. "Ok explain to me again what your doing" He asked and sat himself down on a free area of space in the table. Annika looked up at the number five and grinned,her glasses glinting in the light like some sort of anime protagonist. "I'm making a cursed furbie" she replies, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"So what's the point?" Tendou asked
"Fun, happiness, that sweet chemical serotonin?" She laughed. "Wanna help?"
"Well duh"

When Ushijima finshed practice he walked straight to Mars' dorm, it had only been a couple of hours since he saw the red head but he felt like a piece of his heart had melted, Mars was walking back to their dorm, softly humming what Ushijima recognised as an anime opening from something Tendou liked. Was it blue butler? No that wasn't it. The ace racked his brain for the name and before he new it he had run into Mars. They laughed and began to spin the keychain to their dorm around their finger. "Let's see if Annika managed to get him into build Peter. Shall we?" They laughed. The ace gave her a look and she snorted "Annika project we named Pete"

The furbie thing is based on real events. My friends building a cursed LÖNG boi for us to worship like a god. So yeah I'm part of a cult now. Anyways hope you enjoyed!

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