Game time

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Shorter chapter because I had an operation and was really high on the drugs they gave me. So I just figured ill make up for the length next character and post what I wrote. Also there's probably mistakes but I'm so tried and in so much pain i cant be bothered to fix them for this chapter

The whole team noticed the boy wearing the number five. His attitude was so different it even made Ushijima waver. Every block was done quickly and quietly when successful but any mistake was taken like it was the end of the world. The red haired boy would always look up into the crowd of people but nobody could identify what was triggering his solemn mood. The way the coach saw the team was that ushijima was the power house, what he lacked in emotion he made up for in power but Tendou would easily balance out the mood of the team with snarky remarks and jokes. But now... now that tendous mood was down so was the whole team. Now that the red head wasn't playing as erratic as normal the whole dynamic on the court was different. After the game was settled and Shiratorizawa had yet again made it guaranteed that they would be in the finals Tendou still didn't cheer up. "I'm going to the bathroom" the red head mumbled before taking off before anyone could ask him what was wrong.

Tendou walked down the corridor with his hands in his pockets, looking at every member of the crowd hoping not to see his parents. Of course just as everything else in his life he was disappointed. They stood there, his father in a smart business suit on his phone and his mother scowling at a woman they were talking to. Well it was more of a one sided conversation. He tried to walk past them, he was only a couple of steps to the bathroom. "Tendou," his father said, the lice making him flinch. The middle blocker turned his lanky body to face his father. "Yes?" He squeaked. He cured himself for sounding so weak. "Your mother and I will be out of town for a while, your aunt will be looking after you," he had never been so relieved to hear something come out of his father's mouth. "Alright... when are you leaving?"
"Now, we just had to make sure you understand the ground rules. Absolutely not will you enter the study, our room or the music room or the sewing room. Understood?" His mother stated, before they both left, not waiting for a response from Shiratorizawas number five.

Farmers boy (ushiten)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon