#jungmo: what he would be like as your boyfriend

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what jungmo would be like as your boyfriend

what jungmo would be like as your boyfriend

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• acts like a big baby

• whines to you a lot

• will sulk if you don't give him the amount of hugs and kisses he wants

• "jungmo, i've already given you about 25 kisses"

• "exactly! only 25! i wanted 26!"

• you like to tease him about that a lot

• "and because you teased me again, now you have to give me 27 kisses"

• "but even if i don't do anything, you'll still keep requesting for more anyways"

• "you breathed! 28 kisses!"

• likes to give you back hugs

• the height difference between the both of you is cute

• cuddle sessions with you are his favorite pastime

• he doesn't mind being the big spoon or little spoon

• what matters is that you're spooning

• likes to rest his head on your lap

• he's probably only like this in private though

• in public, he wants everyone to know that he's the protector in the relationship

• when you're out together in the streets, he'd always transfer you to the side where there aren't any cars

• when you fall asleep, he'll always lend his shoulder for you to lean on

• his voice is your favorite lullaby

• his hands automatically hover to your shoulders or land on your waist when you're near him

• probably spoils you a lot because he can since he's rich

• he knows that you find it burdensome though so he tries not to do it as much (even though he really wants to)

• you may not be well off like him, but you have your own skills and talents and you put that to good use by making diy projects for him

• will throw his gshock away and wear the cute tiny little bracelets you made for him instead

• you also like to organize cup sleeve events to get closer to his fans

• also slogans and photo cards and when he sees fans using them, he gets really giddy and praise the fans for having taste

• you don't only make merchandise for him though, but the other members as well

• jungmo really appreciates the fact that you get along with his members well

• cravity's hyung line are your best friends and the maknae line are your babies

• with the kpop world slowly changing its ways and becoming more open, a lot of people do actually support your relationship

• of course, there will always be bad apples who throw hate at you, but you try not to think about it too much

• what matters is jungmo makes you happy and you make jungmo happy

• overall, the both of you have a understanding and supportive relationship

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