four| The Sauna Test

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                             "I'm pretty sure it's Gumby, Harrington."

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                                    I woke up the next day to the landline ringing. "Ughhh," I groaned as I got out of bed and walked to the phone and picked it up, as a voice shouted frantically, "Laura! Can you please put Max on the phone?" "Mike?" I asked, confused. My sister never got along with Mike Wheeler, so this was a surprise. "Yeah hang on a second," I said and yelled "Max! Phone call for you!" Suddenly her bedroom door burst open and Max rushed towards the phone and pushed me aside. "What do you want, Mike?" she asks, rather aggressively. I shake my head and and head to room to brush and change. Minutes later Max yelled out, "Laura! El and I are headed to Mike's!" as she shuts the front door behind her. 'Didn't even give me the chance to say okay, jeez,' I thought to myself.

                                    I sat myself at the kitchen counter and poured myself some cereal. Sarah had called earlier saying she would come to pick me up soon. Apparently Dustin had called for an emergency meeting at Scoops. She heard a bedroom door open and shut. 'Must be mom,'  I thought, but it wasn't. It was Billy, and he seemed....odd. His eyes were shifty and he looked a bit disoriented. "Billy," I said. No reply as he sat himself on the couch. "Billy," I said, again, a bit louder, but still no reply. I set my bowl on the counter and walked towards him cautiously. "Can you not hear me?" I asked, slightly annoyed. I sat down on the coffee table, which was opposite Billy. His eyes looked...empty and vacant, like there was no sign of life in them. "Billy..." I said again and touched his shoulder. He looked up so fast that I almost fell back from the table. "What do you want?" he asked, in a tone that wasn't really rude but it wasn't friendly either. 

                                  "Are....are you okay? Did something happen?" I asked worried. He looked up at me again, this time slowly. For a second his eyes lit up like he was aware of something, and then it was gone, empty again. He got up quickly and said, "No. Just...stay away from me," and walks out the door, slamming it shut behind him. 

                                    "Jerk," I scoff and finish the rest of my cereal, as the doorbell rings. I open it to see Dustin tapping his foot impatiently, "Ready to go?" he asks, glancing at his sister's car. "Yeah, let's go," I say, grabbing the house keys and stepping out.


                                  We shuffled through the mall and towards Scoops in silence, as Dustin practically ran into the back room. "So what's this meeting for?" Sarah asks, as she plunks herself on one of the chairs. "Do you not remember the Russians from last night?" Dustin asks, annoyed. Sarah glared at him , "Just get to the damn point Dus," she says. I could feel Robin's eyes on me, I look up at her and she grins. I give her slight wave and mouth, 'hey.' 

OUT OF MY LEAGUE ; Robin BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now