The Road For Power

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Deku was watching the fight between Endeavor and the Nomu. The fight was a catastrophy in his eyes. So much destruction and chaos just for one Nomu? Why? Why did people have to die just because he couldn't protect them? 

He was supposed to be the next symbol of peace. The man to save them all. The . . . next All Might or the next Nana Shimura. He was supposed to be the one to bring safety to the lives of all those that lived in Japan and in the world but here he was. Letting someone else do his work for him. 

3 hours after the fight

Deku sat on the edge of the cliff as he gazed at the water crashing onto the rocks bellow him. The footsteps behind him didn't scare him. He knew them all too well. 

"Hey All Might"

"It is rare for you to call me at such a time to talk" 

Said the now old and retired hero. As he took a seat next to what he sometimes saw as himself when his younger. When the world was at His feet and how he shaped it to the better the best he could. 

"I am guessing you saw the fight today?" 

Asked the young man as he looked at his inspiration and the man that had become his father figure after all the things they had been through together. The beach cleaning, all the training, I-Island and all the things that he was forgetting.

"I did. Endeavor and Hawks dealt with it well. Though i do have to say you and i would have done better!" Said the old man throwing in a chuckle at the end making it seem as if it was a joke. 

But Deku didn't laugh, just a light smile grazed his his freckled face as he leaned back. .

"I need to get stronger I have to be able to use OFA at 100%"

Those words hit harder than All For One himself. He had gone through the same faze himself, when he was younger, he had the same exact thoughts and dare i say hopes and aspirations. To be able from a young age to use OFA at what would normally be considered a young age. 

"The time will come when you will be able to do that"

He said as many wise old men would have said in a similar situation. The time will come.  Yeah but why can't it come sooner? Sometimes it has to come sooner. 

"I don't want to wait until then"

All Might looked at the young man with a smile as he saw in his eyes the same fire he had in his when he was younger. He knew he had made the right choice but Izuku still managed to amaze him, with his dedication and unbroken will.

"Listen Midoroyia there is a way to get stronger quickly but it will take effort and a strong will"

He said, the same way the late Shimura had told him. She had told him of all the harsh training he would have to go through and the dangers that came with pushing such power to it's limits. And in the end he didn't go through with them. At the time there was no need. 

But times change and so do the people. 

"I am ready for everything"

"*Chuckle*  you know I was like you when I was younger eager to fight and get stronger "

He said sounding like a character from a Disney movie and the young hero looked up at him. 

"And you managed it"

He said raising his fist as stars filled his eyes. 

"You became one of the greatest heroes that the world has ever seen!" He said all the excitement in his voice almost breaking apart the cold night. 

"Yeah but at what cost?" He thought to himself as the memories flooded in breaking through the barriers any normal person put up in his mind to keep himself sane and well for those around him. 

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