Start from the beginning

"you two make such a good duo~!" arashi praised, glancing at each polaroid. izumi and his tsundere ass scoffed, crossing his arms and turned around. "the only reason i picked her is because she's not boring nor lousy. it's not that deep."

y/n admired the one where she did a silly face while izumi looked at her with a scowl.
"i'd like to keep this one!" y/n beamed.
"if you wish to have it, then why not." tsukasa smiled. "doesn't izumi look so adorable?" y/n smiled like a cat, showing off he polaroid to leo, ritsu and tsukasa. "sure, ahahaha! he should definitely smile more often!" leo laughed. y/n joined with him as izumi blushed in embarrassment, hiding his face with his sleeve while turning away from the others.

"this was fun. now i should get going or subaru will be scolding me again for worrying him.." y/n muttered, sweat dropping. "okay. allow me to walk you back. i need to
ask you something anyways...alone." arashi spoke. "okay! see you around, loves!" y/n waved at knights before making her leave with arashi. once they left, ritsu turned to izumi.

"you've grown quite fond of n/n-chan." he smirked lightly. izumi glared at him.
"i don't know what you mean. now, shut up, will you?"


in the decorated theatre club room, wataru had his spotlight, mastering his engaging skills and y/n, whom was so drawn in wataru's acting ability, stared at him in awe. there was something urging her to ask one more time-
"wataru, i'm sorry but remind me again why i'm helping you rehearse a couple of lines?" y/n spoke up, flipping through the three papers she held.

wataru laughed heartedly. "what an amazing question you asked, n/n! it's simple, who else than to say it to someone special to me~!"

y/n's breath hitched. her heart rate rose, cheeks turned hot and her eyes wide. good thing for the papers, which covered her face.
"i see what you mean." y/n smiled, a hand clenched to her chest to feel her rapid beating.
wataru continued. the thought; that fact he said it like it was true, like he was pouring his love onto y/n.

she obtained to not quiver in her seat ; hence, nowadays she's been easier to fluster. however, there was no need to descend on the crush situation , y/n had to keep her act together, she must be energetic, doesn't matter if she gets scolded by the teacher when she causes a ruckus in class.

"amazing! this was perfect!" wataru praised himself. y/n soothed a hair strand between her fingers, taking a deep breath in before peeking up. "wataru, i-..." , y/n kept this half-thinking, half-dreaming to herself the last three days, it made her confused if she was thinking about this too much. "i love..." but if she loved the wrong guy?

wataru blinked, encouraging her to say it with his charming smile. "i love...your acting! yes! it reminds me of kanami in a way!" she pointed up a finger. due to her closed eye smiles, there was a slight disappointment in both their expressions. "ah, your older sister..the magical actress who disappears in any role they give her, i still wonder the reason she gave up that magnificence." wataru sighed. y/n opened her eyes.

"i know..." y/n frowned. giving up a career to carry on another legacy does not sound as selfish as it's suppose to be ; kanami wanted to live her life after receiving tons of pressure from mai's death and her agency. "why do i feel like you were meant to tell me something entirely different?" wataru chuckled, hands on his hips. y/n waved her hands left and right.
"no, no, that was really it!" she giggled anxiously. "don't lie to me~~"
"okay!" y/n dropped the papers next to her and played the strings of her hoodie underneath her blazer. wataru smiled triumphantly.

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