"Bye, daddy" she said giving him another hug. They both let go and Jellybean came to me, and I picked her up while FP opened the door with his bag in his hand. 

"Oh! I also left some money in the kitchen for you guys." he said before leaving and I sighed knowing we told him we didn't need his money. 

2 Hours Later

"Jellybean it's time for your nap." I said and she groaned.

"But I don't want to." She whined.

"It does not matter if you want to or not. You still need to take your nap so you aren't grumpy later." I said and she thought for a minute before responding.

"I only sleep, if you sleep with me." She said and I laughed. 

"Jelly, I have things to do." I said and she looked at me shaking her head. 

"Please Bettyyy" she begged with her puppy dog eyes and I gave in. 

"Fine" I sighed. She stood up and ran upstairs to her room, me not far behind her. "Put your jammies on" 

"I have to go potty" she told me and ran to the bathroom. I helped her and then she changed into her pajamas and then I put her in her bed. "Can you tell me a story?" she asked me. 

"Sure! What do you want it to be about?" I asked her expecting her to say princesses.

"You and Juggie!" she said and I was shocked. 

"hmmm okay. Well, there was this girl and she had a whole bunch of friends but she was missing something. She wanted someone who truly loved her. Then, there was this boy who had some friends but he still wanted someone who accepted who he really was. Then, when the boys school closed he met the girl. They instantly had a connection but, they were from different sides of the town. He was a southsider who everyone said were these bad guys. While, she was a Northsider, who everyone thought was perfect. But, when these 2 people started dating and fell in love, they showed everyone that Southsiders are not bad and everyone can be a good person. The end." I said and she smiled at me. 

"You love Juggie?" she asked me and I couldn't help but smile. 

"So much. Just as much as I love you." I said and she giggled. I played with her hair while she fell asleep cuddled into me. I felt my eyelids getting heavy and before I knew it I was asleep too. 

Jughead POV

I was doing some work at the bar until I realized it was 1:45 and I told Betty I'd be at the house by 2. So, I told everyone good bye and drove to the house. I arrived and walked in. 

"Hello? Betty?" I whisper shouted knowing Jellybean is sleeping. When I heard no response I was confused. I decided to go check upstairs thinking she might be packing Jellybeans clothes right now. When I walked into Jelly's room I saw the cutest sight. I saw my little sister all cuddled up next to my girlfriend and they were both sound asleep. I couldn't help it, so I took a picture and set it as my new lock screen. Then I realized, these two girls are my whole world. God, they make me such a softy. I went to clean up Jellybeans toys while they were still sleeping. Then I decided to read a book. 

1 Hour Later

I was surprised Jellybean was still sleeping, but I just thought she had a nightmare the previous night. Thats when I heard little footsteps running down the stairs. I saw Jellybean run into the kitchen and try to open the cabinet that had all of the cookies. I chuckled and put my book down then walked into the kitchen. 

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked raising an eyebrow. She jumped and turned around eyes wide with fear in her eyes. Then, when she saw it was me she smiled and ran to me. 

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