Chapter 13

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Time skip- June 30th, day before they leave for the Fourth of July trip 

Betty POV

Our trip was finally here. Today, we were all packing since we were leaving early tomorrow morning. I finished packing all of my stuff earlier because I had to help Jughead pack Jellybeans clothes. I put my bag in my back seat and drove to FP's house since I was watching Jelly for a few hours before Jug would get here. I arrived and knocked on the door and FP answered it. 

"Hey, Betty! You know you don't have to knock right?" he asked laughing.

"I-uh. I wasn't sure since Jughead doesn't live here anymore." I said and he nodded. 

"Well, even though he doesn't live here, you are still welcome here anytime." he said and I smiled. "Jelly! come here!" he yelled and she ran into the living room. 

"What daddy? I was playing with my dolls." she said as she ran into the room. "Betty!" she yelled and ran into my arms so I picked her up. 

"Hey, Jelly" I said and kissed her cheek. 

"Why are you here?" she asked confused. 

"I'm watching you until Juggie gets here." I told her and she cheered. 

"Can we play?!" she yelled and FP and I both laughed.

"Sure." I said laughing. 

"Jelly, come give me a hug goodbye." FP said and I put Jellybean down and she ran to him giggling, giving him one of her bear hugs. She let go and he crouched down to her height. "Jellybean, I need to tell you something and you have to make sure you listen." he said to her. 

"Okay, daddy! My listening ears are on!" she said and we laughed. 

"I have to go a work trip and I'm not going to be home for 1 week-" he told her but she interrupted him.

"1 week? How long is that?" she asked and I held back my laugh.

"7 days." he said and she looked shocked and sad.

"B-but thats so long" she said he bottom lip starting to quiver. "Who will watch me?" before we could answer she asked another question. "Am I going to momma's? Please don't send me to mommas. I be a good girl, I promise." she said starting to cry and my heart broke at the sight.

"Awe, come here." He said and hugged her. "I promise I will never send you to your moms house, ever." he said and she calmed down releasing from the hug. "And, Betty and Jughead are going to watch you. They even have a little surprise planned." FP said and Jellybean looked at me smiling. 

"Whats the surprise?" she asked and I laughed. 

"I can't tell you." I told her and she giggled. 

"Honey, you have to promise me that you are going to listen to Betty and Jughead all week." FP told her. 

"I will be a good girl. I promise!" she said and I smiled at her cuteness. 

"Go play while I talk to Betty." he said and she giggled and ran off. "I know you and Jughead will take care of her and she'll be fine but if you guys have any questions you can call me. Also, she still gets her nightmares sometimes so she may wake up crying. If she does, you guys know how to handle it. Jug knows this but I"ll tell you too, her nap time is at 1 and she normally sleeps til 2:30-3 ish and then she goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:30, depending on how tired she is. Jug told me to just let you do the packing, so I've done nothing." he said chuckling and I laughed. 

"okay" i said still laughing.

"Well, I better head out now. Bye Jelly!" he yelled and she ran in the room again. 

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