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[Quick A/N saying that the cover art is not owned by me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I've never written an SCP fic involving these characters before so I apologise if they seem OOC.

If there was something that I missed whilst editing, please let me know.

Thank you :) ]

If someone was asked to describe Dr Jack Bright in three words, chances are they'd say "chaotic, pranking nuisance" or "devious, immortal trickster." And while Dr Bright had to agree with both statements, he didn't seem like that type of person at the moment. Instead, he was flustered and anxious as he stood outside the office of Dr Simon Glass.

For the past week, Dr Bright has been at site 17 to conduct tests on the many SCPs this facility had locked away. However, site 17 also housed a certain somebody who never failed to make his heart flutter. Bright was aware of how cheesy that sounds, but it's true! Simon is the only person that can make Bright feel alive! Ever since the incident with SCP 076 and 963, Bright felt hollow and empty. He became immortal but lost his humanity in the process. Jack believed that nothing in this cruel, unforgiving world could ever restore what he'd lost. Then entered Simon Glass. A field agent turned head psychologist.

Jack remembers the first time he ever met Simon. At first, he thought nothing special of him, that he was a nobody. Bright always suspected that Simon was only being nice because it was his job. However, the more Jack spoke to Simon, the more he realised that this "nobody" was actually somebody interesting, someone he wanted to know.

From then on, Jack would use every excuse he could to arrange an appointment with Dr Glass. His excuses ranged from "963's been giving me head aches" to "I've been feeling more tired as of late." Clef's favourite excuse was "I was hurt whilst fighting SCP 682" because in reality, Kondraki had opened a door unbeknownst that Jack was on the other side. Bright had even tried swapping his appointment times with his colleagues just to see the psychologist.

However, mad scientist wouldn't acknowledge his feeling for the newbie till Rights yelled at him to man up and ask Simon on a date. At first, Bright thought that 963 was responsible for the butterflies in his stomach. Then Bright blamed the bodies he'd inherited. Finally, Bright assumed that some other SCP he'd recently worked with had left some sort of side effect on him. This prompted him to seek Simon's help, and that's when he realised that the blonde was to blame. Bright had cut that meeting off rather quickly, using some sort of excuse to get out of the other's office. Afterwards, Bright was transferred to site 36 for a few weeks. Whilst there, Bright had plenty of time to ponder on his discovery. Sometimes, Bright thought too much on the subject and would end up as lunch to an SCP. In the end, Bright concluded that Simon may be the best thing that ever happened to him. The blonde was always smiling and bubbling away like a ray of sunshine. He was kind and caring to everyone he encountered, even the SCPs that tries to kill him. Simon never saw the worst in someone, only the good, and he was determined to make them to see it too! He offered great advice and never turned anyone away. He was always there if you needed someone to talk to. Bright was convinced that Simon was the last pure being in this world.

Jump forwards three weeks and Bright is sent back to site 17 for a week. Jack spent the entire week avoiding Dr Glass. He wouldn't eat in the canteen when Simon was there. If the blonde showed up to his office, he's hide under the desk. When the psychologist tried arranging a meeting, Jack refused it. Finally, when Kondraki was hosting an evening in his office with all his friends attending, Jack refused to show up. He used the excuse that he had too much paper work and needed to sort it all out. Kondraki didn't believe him but accepted the excuse. Clef, However, did not.

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