Seeing the boys with faces of doubt, made me at my peak of pissed off. Not to mention that cursed student section.

I couldn't hold it in any longer.


It felt like everyone's eyes were on me. Which they probably were, this stadium is made for outbursts like this.

Even with all eyes on me, I only had mine fixed on one person.

Daichi gives me a little smirk and thumbs up. The rest of the team turn their horrified face into smiles too, so that better mean they got their groove going.

"P-Padema." Takinoue puts his hand on my shoulder, but I push it off.

"Anyone else want to put in their two-cents? Let our team down? Because last time I check, we're in the Karasuno Cheering section." I scold all of them.

"She's right. Don't shut up now!" Big Sis took one of the speakers and shouted towards the cheering section. "This is when we should be cheering!"

"Fire it up, fire it up, Karasuno! Get it, get it, Karasuno! Fire it up, fire it up, Karasuno! Get it, get it, Karasuno! Fire it up, fire it up, Karasuno! Get it, get it, Karasuno!"

I folded my arms and had a smirk on my face.

Kageyama and I glanced at each other, and he gave me a peace sign. Which I returned and calmed my nerves.

"The City of Trees, Sendai, lies below...And when you look up, the magnificent Sendai Castle. Our school, our glorious Shiratorizawa Academy."

Seriously? They have a whole song to drown out our cheering.

The timeout came to an end, along with our chants.

Shiratorizawa's pinch server gave us a powerful serve, resulting in Tanaka handing them a chance ball.

They set up for an Ushjima attack. He jumps up for the swing and I knew it was a going to be a good hit.

Although, the unexpected occurred. Shutting up the entire Shiratorizawa student section.

Hinata...blocked it. Or at least I think he did.

"H-He stopped it!" Shimada exclaims.

"Shoyo!" Big Sis shouts in excitement.

But he was so far from the net, was that a certain block?

Did he mean for it to be a soft block, or "the plate" as Hinata likes to put it.

That was kinda like a receive, instead of a block. I think.

He didn't even jump.

"Oh this hurts my brain." I sunk my head into my arms.


I ignore the looks I was being given and look back at the game.

Tadashi went in as the pinch server and I noticed Shimada silently praying to himself.

His prodigy has come so far.

Tadashi serves them a hard net ball, which leads to us receiving a chance ball.

Kageyama sets everyone up for the synchronized attack, with Tadashi following up.

They gave the set to Daichi, but the bowl cut guy from the other team read us. He got the block and Tadashi couldn't get the receive in time.

Shimada let out a sad sigh, but I noticed something.

I tap on his shoulder and point at the ref, giving Karasuno the point.

"He touched the net." I explain to him.

"Net violation! Lucky!" Big Sis got hyped up.

"I don't think that's all to it!" Shimada showed a sudden change of thought and got happy.

"If we keep hitting them hard, they're going to start pushing back." Ukai comments behind us.

Tadashi gave them another serve, but they were able to pick it up. Which meant setting up an attack for Ushijima.

Our three person block wasn't enough to stop him.

With a one touch, Tanaka passes it to Kageyama. He sets it up for Narita, but it didn't seem to match.

Considering the fact that Narita subbed in for Tsukki, I bet Kageyama isn't used to setting for him. I don't see those two practice with each other often.

We somehow finessed our way to snag the point and that's all that matters.

"We managed to catch up!" Takinoue lets out a sigh of relief, which was very much needed.


Tadashi set up for another serve.

He tosses the ball up and hits it down the line, but it was long. Lucky for us they were too late to judge it and we got a service ace.

"Boy, Shimada you're quite the teacher." Takinoue compliments him.

"Oh stop." Shimada replied like a high school girl.

Not a moment too soon, Tadashi's streak as cut off.

Shimada's mood immediately shut down.

That bowl cut boy on the other team. He had a weird kick to him. I didn't like it.

He served a light hit to us, when he seems like the impulsive type.

Noya dives for the dig, but it got too close to the net. That's when Ushijima slams the ball right back down.


They've got match point.

Bowl cut served up a hard hitting jumper, but Daichi gave us a clean receive. As he should.

I'm not sure how much energy these boys have left, but they pushed for another synchronized attack.

Kageyama made Daichi hit it too, which sorta ticked me off, even though we did get the point.

"That was close." Shimada had a shaky sigh.

Too close.

Daichi made the risk for his serve and hit it high. It looked short and had me on the balls of my feet, but it was a net.

Luckily it broke Shiratorizawa's attack and Ushjima couldn't hit.

They got a one touch on bowl cut and Tanaka made a miraculous save.

"It's connecting! It's connecting!" Big Sis shouts below.

They gave the last hit to Kageyama and he purposely volleys it towards the other setter, forcing him to get the first touch.

Ushijima runs in with a powerful hit anyways, knocking off our three person block.

Noya gets the receive but it wasn't clean. Asahi runs in for the save and Noya gets the last hit over.

This rally is full of desperation.

Ushjima gets the set and slams the ball down.

Match point for Shiratorizawa.

This is it. Everyone's mood has plummeted and our energy is drained. No more time outs. No more-

"Don't you dare look down! Volleyball is a game where you're always looking up!"

Coach seemed to have gotten everyone's attention.

You son of a b-

"Hitoka!" Big Sis calls out.

Yachi suddenly appears next to us, out of breath.

If she's here, then that means....


ωαямтн//Haikyuu!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon