Chapter Two

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Kagome blinked as she groggily woke up, her eyes went to slits when a bright light was shined in her eyes and gave a small hiss.

"She is responding well. Miss Higurashi, can you hear us?" One of the scientists spoke, looking at her then shining the light back into her eyes.

Kagome closed her eyes as she sat up, but was pushed back down, "One thing at a time." Giving a huff she laid back down and waited for the scientist to speak again.

"Good, you are the last one to wake up. We were starting to worry." Another scientist, a woman, stated as she took the light from the other and clicked it off.

"We are going to go through some standard procedures, then you can go join the rest of the group. Dr. Augustine is with them as of right now."

Kagome gave a nod, "Alright...let's get going then."

"Everything seems good...though your eyes are rather different than most avatars." Kagome frowned when she heard the male mutter this. That must be why he had kept shining that damnable light in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" She tilted her head to the side curiously. It could be because of her powers her eyes were different...maybe? She didn't know how her miko powers would work in the Avatar body...

The male gave a small smile, "Most eyes are gold...but yours...yours are a mix of blue and pink..." he paused tapping his pen on the file he now had in his hands, " is rather...remarkable."

Kagome gave a soft hum not knowing what to say. She didn't like the way he was looking at her, like she was something he could dissect and find out all of its was unnerving.

"Now let's, get down to the physical. Just answer the questions yes or no." Kagome did so, wanting to get out of the room as fast as she could. Through the process, they asked her questions on how she felt, made her do things she assumed to do with how she functioned in the Avatar. It took about thirty minutes to go through everything before the woman scientist gave a chipper 'We're done!'

Kagome almost sighed out loud in relief. She was free to go, free to get out of the sights of mister creepy. She stood back up being careful of her new appendage; her tail, as she stood.

The tail was definitely going to get some taking used to, that was for sure. The height was something different as well.

"You can go ahead out, just go straight to the big cabin looking building. That is where you can meet up with Dr. Augustine.

Kagome nodded, as she carefully made her way outside and into the new world. She was excited and couldn't wait until she was able to explore. Kagome took in the view, the world was beautiful, and so alive. Something Earth no longer was.

Something she missed about being in the Feudal Era.

"Amazing isn't it." Kagome blinked her eyes, turning to look to her left, there stood Dr. Augustine in her Avatar form.

She gave the woman a smile, "It's so...alive." She motioned to the surroundings, she has yet to really see much of the new planet she would be calling home for God knows how long, but she could tell and feel the difference between this place and Earth. She loved it.

Dr. Augustine laughed, "It will learn more about it tomorrow...for now it is time to go back to our regular bodies."

Kagome felt a pang of sadness go through her, she wanted to stay in this body. She wanted to explore and learn, but all she could do was nod and follow the woman to the cabin like building, the feeling of longing in her heart.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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