"Of course sir!"



"Aah Yunho! Slow down!"

"What do you mean I'm going easy on you!"

"No you're too fast!"

We were in ATEEZ's dorm in the front living room. We came back from eating dinner with the rest of the team. I met the rest of the members, who were super nice to me. The manager discussed how I needed to keep my relationship private, and I understood. That meant no more flaunting my dates with him on outstagram, but that was fine.

And right now, I was playing this car racing game with him on his playstation. It was my first time playing, but he was being ruthless with me.

"Yunho! Help me I crashed!" I pouted, pointing at my screen.

Yunho playfully rolled his eyes at me. "I already won the game. Here, what about you practice with some easy NPCs first rather than going against me?"

My frown widened. "But I wanted to play with you,"

He chuckled and scooted closer to me on the couch. "I'll be right here, so don't worry Y/N."

He literally set the NPC to the easiest setting, and yet I was still last place, because I kept crashing. This time, I was stuck in mud, and no matter how much I revved the digital engine, the car would not budge.

"This is frustrating!" I said, putting down my controller in fury.

"Aw, don't rage quit," Yunho took the controller and put it in my hands. Suddenly, he scooted all the way over to me, not leaving any space between us and hugged me from the behind. He placed his hands over mine on the controller and guided my fingers through the controls.

"See, if you move to the left a little, you can go around the puddle and get out using this slope, and there! You're in the game again!"

He continued to guide me through the rest of the game, with me sitting there, head resting against his chest, and his chin resting gently on the top of my head.

"Yunho! We won!" I giggled.

He tilted my chin gently to face him. "No, you won Y/N" he said before gently kissing me on the lips.

That was the first time he did that...

I smiled at him and felt my face turning red. Geez, I was so whipped for him.



She grinned at me and started blushing. I couldn't help it, she was too cute.

I took the controller out of her hands and put in on the table in front of us, not losing eye contact with her as I leaned closer and closer to her, cornering her to the back of the couch. I reached up and touched her honey skin that was now lightly tinted pink.

I traced my fingers across her forehead, her cheek, her jawline, and her lips, slowly examining the small perfectly imperfect details of her face.

I looked back up to meet her eyes. "I love you Y/N, you know that right."

Her eyes softened at my touch. "I love you too Yunho."

Slowly, making sure I wasn't making her feel uncomfortable, I met my lips with hers. They were so soft, and tasted like strawberry lollipops. I held the back of her neck, supporting her neck since she was leaning up to reach me. She kissed back gently, and I could feel her tugging on my bottom lip, and I let out a small growl of satisfaction.

Slowly, my lips traveled to other parts of her face. Her small dimple on her left cheek, her jawline, and tilting her head upward, I explored her neck. She let out little whimpers and I smiled against her honey skin.

"OH MY GAHD," We jumped up at the sudden intruder. She pushed my chest, forcing me to fly all the way across to the other side of the couch because of her immense arm strength. I groaned, holding my chest in pain and glared at our intruder.




The boys chased each other around for some time, with Yunho threatening Wooyoung with a pillow and Wooyoung laughing and teasing him. It was even more entertaining than watching Mr. Hinx chase James Bond.

Wooyoung eventually apologized to me for interrupting so suddenly like that. We were both cool about the situation though. I figured it was getting late so I said my farewells to the two boys and headed out their dorm door.

"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you home Y/N?" Yunho asked, holding my hand just as I was about to leave the building.

"I'm fine Yunho. If anyone tries to harm me I'll take them down with my muscle powers so don't worry!" I struck a funny boxing pose and we both laughed.

"I'll see you later then," we both tiny waved goodbye to each other and I made my way out into the nighttime streets with a huge grin on my face.


I turned my head around, wondering where that sound came from.

Weird, it sounded like a camera. Meh, must just be my head.

I shrugged and continued walking home.

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