deepest quench (Schwethz) Block Party!

26 9 11

Block Party Challenge #6 - Tell us about the future of the Pub.

deepest quench

Everything is uncertain
It's how we take forward
Becomes the thrive to live attain
As I look toward

The deepest quench for thirst
Arises up over the surface
Whenever I land up here first
All cause due to poets pub grace

Looking forward to see
Or like learn about using things
From the biggest to wee
Grammatical contents as it helps poets wings

I also appreciate if there is someone
Who can edit and review all the works
Of the fellow pubbers for their works of ton
As they publish gaining back happiness perks

A detailed reviewer team
Helping poets to learn through
Is what I would look forward to beam
In the coming years that throw

Also embracing different poetry formats
Helping to invent new styles
Reaching out the fellow needy bards
Who are uncertain to their talents from miles

As for all of this
Poets pub is the best
As I confirm thus
Looking forward for the zest...

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