Chapter Two - England.

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Azula's POV:

I layed in bed , staring at my wrist, the porcelain pale flesh surrounded the black stag.
It stood high and proud , it's antlers reaching my palm.
I stroked it , sketching the intricate details with my index finger.
"Could I actually find my soulmate?" I thought.

I imagined what it would be like.
To be able to love someone , to trust someone unconditionally.
Adam and Charlie were lucky , they found each other because they were best friends.
Ella found Viktor at Durmstrang , the magical school that they both went to , the school for Witchcraft and Wizardry that was native to Romanian/Bulgarian border.
I haven't had the luxury to trust or love someone.
My parents were killed when I was 11 , they never told me what it was like to fall in love.
I'm never going to know what it's like to have my heart beat erratically, to be able to have someone to lean on.

I sat up from my charms work that Charlie set me , knowing I was unable to focus.
I grabbed the cigarettes that were in my bedside cabinet and climbed onto the roof to smoke.
I sat there , looking at the stars , ruining my lungs as Charlie would call it.
I took another puff of my cigarette as I curled my free hand around my blue hair.
I remember when I dyed my hair , it was after that man killed my parents , he said he loved my bright blonde hair as he cut it all off, leaving it shoulder length.
It repulsed me that he loved it , so I dyed it bright blue and left it shoulder length , it suited my body after i started to develop.

I took another puff of my cigarette and I could feel the tears running down my face , I hated that I was so weak , that I could still burst into tears in front of everyone.
I saw two ebony wrists stretch around my neck as Ella nuzzled into me.
"Oh honey , come here." She said as I turned around and hugged her , crying into her black pajama top.
" I know how hard it is, but I will always be here for you Zula." She cooed as she stroked my hair.

Ella also suffered a lot before we met her, her parents were killed when she was 10, that was 7 years ago.
She has helped me ever since, but I still try to keep my emotions bottled.
She sat down next to me and I offered her a cigarette.
We sat in silence , watching the stars and smoking.

By the time we went back inside , it was time to get the dragons ready to go to England.
I hoped that these kids were prepared to fight around these dragons because these dragons will unleash hell on anyone who dares to go near their babies.

Harry's POV:

I lied in bed , staring at my mark , it was still black , usually it would glow if my soulmate was near.
I sketched the dragon with my finger , it curled around my wrist.
I could hear Hermione lecturing me in my brain.
"You need to go to sleep Harry , we have got the four helpers coming tomorrow and you need to keep practicing." She would keep saying.

I closed my eyelids dreaming of two white wispy animals , a serpent dragon and a tall stag.

The Next Morning:

"Harry , get up , we're going to be late for breakfast." I heard Neville say as he shook me.
I got up , accidentally tumbling Neville to the floor as I thought of what was happening today.

"Sorry Neville." I apologised as I offered a hand to help him up off the floor.
"It's fine." He said as he headed out , giving me space to change.
I got into my uniform , tied my tie and headed out to breakfast.
I sat down next to Hermione and Neville , grabbing a piece of toast.

I began to eat when Dumbledore stepped up to the podium.
"Good Morning Hogwarts, I know I usually do not speak to you all in the mornings but we have four new arrivals to introduce." He said.

I looked over at Hermione and mouthed
"Who are they ?"
She answered back with "I think they are the helpers in the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
"Can I please welcome , Charlie Weasley , Adam Lynch , Ella Goldfield and Azula Andrei."
Then she came in.

Azula's POV:

I woke up to the roars of the dragons.
I quickly shot up , got dressed into my usual leathers and ran to the dragon fields.

My outfit:

I ran through all the fields , trying to find all the dragons who are hurt

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I ran through all the fields , trying to find all the dragons who are hurt.
I ran through the Norwegian Ridgeback fields to see one Welsh Green Dragon , One Chinese Fireball , One Swedish Short Snout and one Hungarian Horntail dragon being chained up like barbarians.
They were all mothering and trying to protect their eggs.
I could feel my temper snap.
I grabbed my wand and started to shoot spells at the men.

"Stupefy." I screamed and all the men collapsed onto the floor.
I went to the dragons and tried to calm them down.

"Hey , hey , please try and calm down , I am going to make sure your babies are safe , I am so sorry for this." I roared at the dragons as tears slipped down my face.
I calmed down the dragons and I ran to Charlie and Adam who were making sure the babies were safe.

"Why do they have to go through this?" I wailed into Adam's shoulder as Charlie patted my back.
"I know trouble , it's horrible but we will make sure that they survive , and we will all be there to take care of them." Charlie cooed into my ear as he finished looking at the eggs.
"Now , which dragon are you going to ride to England?" Asked Adam.
"I'll take Bella , the Hungarian Horntail , she is the most violent one and she reacts best to me." I said as I grabbed some meat to feed to the dragons.

I headed back to the dragons , feeding them each meat.
"Hey guys." I roared to them.
" To get to England , Charlie, Adam , Ella and I will need to ride you , are you four okay with that." I said as I gave eye contact , making them know this was serious.
They hesitated so I made sure that this was the better choice.
"It's either this or the cages , I personally think the cages are inhumane and cruel but it is your choice." I roared with a smirk.
They nodded at me saying it was ok.
I saddled them all and motioned to Charlie , saying they could all come over.
We straddled the dragons and they began to fly.
Next stop England.

I am so sorry about this chapter.
I had writers block so it is going to be absolute shit.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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