Chapter 9: Dessert in Tokoyami's Dorm

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No one's POV:

Tokoyami took the bag and opened it. He was shocked by what Asui had packed for them. There were macaroons, melonpan, jello, and dango. Tokoyami was at a loss for words.
"Tsuyu, t-thank you, but when did you get all of this? We just got back."
"I got them yesterday for myself, but since you hardly ate lunch, I brought some here to eat with you, ribbit!" The bird boy stared into the frog girl's eyes.

"Tsuyu, you didn't have to do this you know? Like I've said, I'm fine."
"C'mon Tokoyami-Kun! You only had an apple for lunch! How is a single apple supposed to fill you up?" He didn't know what to say. After all, she was right. How was the apple itself supposed to make him full? He sighed.
"Alright, you win. So, what do you want me to try first? I haven't eaten any of these foods before." Asui was shocked that he gave in.
"Oh uh, here. Try this." She grabbed a chocolate flavored melonpan.

"In my opinion, it's pretty good, ribbit."
"Alright." Tokoyami took the melonpan and bit into it. He nodded his head in agreement that it is good. He continued taking bites while watching Asui take a matcha flavored macaron and bit it.
"Is there more of that?" He asked after swallowing a piece he had in his mouth. Asui looked at him.
"The macaron?" He nodded.
"Oh of course there's more! Want some?"
"Sure." He grabbed a vanilla flavored macaron and ate it.

"Wow! These are good too! Where'd you get them?"
"At a store in the mall near here. I usually go there myself before we move into the dorms, ribbit."
"Ohh okay, maybe I can get some tomorrow."
"I can go with you, if you'd like."
"O-oh um sure. I'd like that."

Asui's POV:

I heard my phone ring and that's when I remembered. The girls and I were going to have a sleepover! I grabbed my phone and answered.

•On call•

"Tsu where are you?! Did you forget about the sleepover?! And why didn't you sit with us at lunch?!"
"Mina-Chan, please calm down. I did forget about the sleepover and earlier at lunch I didn't feel like sitting with you guys."
"But why Tsu?"
"I don't know, I'm sorry. Is it okay if I'm absent for this sleepover? I'm not in the mood for it."
"Ughh, I guess you're excused. Just make sure you come next time kay?!"
"Okay, ribbit."

•Call Ended•

I hung up and sighed.
"Are you alright? You seemed stressed after that."
"I'm fine, I'm sorry you had to hear that."
"You don't need to be sorry. Wanna talk about it? About what you're feeling maybe?" I smiled at him.
"Yeah, I'd like to." He smiled back.
"So start off by telling me why you're not in the mood to hang out with the rest of the girls." I looked down and spoke.

"I guess I wanted to spend time with people like you. Eating lunch with you, Shoji-Kun, and Koda-Kun, made me feel like myself. Like I'm with a group who understands me the best, ribbit. Even though it wasn't much, I still had fun just talking and eating. It's simple, unlike what I do with the girls. We usually go to the mall, go on walks, talk for hours, or have sleepovers. It's a lot of fun, yes, but it can get tiring, ribbit. Especially if it's the same thing over and over again. With you guys, I feel like we can go on multiple adventures that are different each time. I want to be free and happy. Live my life on the edge and have fun." I looked up to Tokoyami, who was still looking at me.

"I uh, wasn't expecting that."
"Was it too much?"
"No, it wasn't. I'm just glad you let your feelings out."
"Ribbit." I smiled at him. He smiled back. We were stuck like that for a while.
"Okay are you both done being lovey-dovey? I want to eat!" I snapped back into reality.
"Dark Shadow! That's not an appropriate thing to say at a time like this. A-and plus, we weren't being lovey-dovey."
"Mhm, okay." I giggled. It was cute seeing them like this.
"I'm sorry about him."
"No need to be sorry."

~Time Skip~

"Goodnight Tokoyami-Kun."
"Goodnight, Tsuyu." I was about to walk away, but I decided to give Tokoyami a hug. He gasped, but returned it. We hugged for a few seconds only, since it was still a bit early and some people were still in the common area.
"U-um, see you tomorrow?"
"Of course! See ya!" I headed back up to my dorm and went to sleep.

(DISCONTINUED) Unexpected Love-BNHA Tokotsuyu(Tokoyami x Asui)Where stories live. Discover now