Mom folds her arms across her chest, releasing a low hum. "Mhm... and it has nothing to do with the little boy you said hurt your feelings?" She asked, in return I sent her a confused stare. "LeBron's son? Before your brother left he mentioned that he was also going to that party."

She some kind of way always manages to find things out. "No!" I instantly kill the chances of her believing it has anything to do with Bronny. "And he didn't hurt my feelings.. the only reason I told you was because he was being, strange."

"He was being a fake friend, call it what it is nina." She shrugged, grooming her hand through my hair. "That's how boys are your age though. They say we're moody but they're plain and simple unpredictable at times- especially the one's who never change and grow up like that. Then you want to know how they're feeling- no, 'I'm too cool to show my emotions'!" At the end she changed her voice into a deeper masculine tone.

Mom had gotten all in her feeling for a moment. My brows knit together for a slight moment, and I watch her actions for a spilt second to make sure she's good. "So I see you feel a certain way about that." I sarcastically say, chuckling.

A smile widened onto her face. "We're not going to talk y'all about that, we're just going to focus on you." Mom's finger tapped the end of my nose. "Don't worry about how you're going to look in front of him, him, or him... okay? You're too young and long as you look good enough for Micah then you're good!"

"Mom... It has nothing to do with Bronny." I threw my head back in annoyance. I'm not interested in any 'guy' talks. "The only reason I even said anything about it in the first place is because I wanted us to be friends and we were friends since my first game with the Blue Chips. I don't know what happened." I frowned, shrugging my shoulders.

Mom groomed my brush into my hair, and I watched how the teeth of the brush ran smoothly through my hair all the way down my shoulders. "Not everyone's going to want to be your friend, Nina. Besides, the way you and Mike are blowing up over the internet and stuff. Their are going to be more people then you can think of, that want to be your friend."

• Micah's Outfit •

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• Micah's Outfit •


Look, I just flipped the switch,

Drake's song Nonstop played loudly through the speakers of the O'Neals residence. Specifically in what I believe was their living room but what we're using as a dance floor.

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