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Mia's P.O.V.

I sat up a little in the car as we pulled through big golden gates. This was not as I expected.

"I'll drive around campus before we go to our apartment, then later this week I'll show you around.", Alex said, smiling softly at my reaction.

"Okay.", I whispered, entranced with the beautiful campus. Flowers bloomed everywhere I looked, the gate we came through was tall and covered in ivy, making it impossible to see through. I could see past the huge school, to the beach on the other side. The school itself was about eight stories tall, next to matching smaller buildings. We drove away from the school, into what looked like a small town.

"This is where most of the students hang out. There are shops and restaurants and bars- which you are never allowed in- and an arcade and much more.", Alex explained. I nodded. "That's the library where kids go to pretend to study." I laughed a little, looking up at the three story building. I'd never get through that many books. "Then the school. Your classes will mainly be on the top two floors. You're welcome since I pulled strings to arrange that."

"Thanks.", I said softly as a tall building caught my eye. At the very top, a window hung out over the edge and if you looked closely, you could see into the large penthouse. I was brought out of my thoughts as Alex stopped the car in a parking garage.

"C'mon." We got out and got our bags as I followed him to a private elevator. He used a special card to open it before hitting '15' once we were inside. "I'll get you one of these by tomorrow. You're only to use this elevator." I nodded, still in slight shock. "What do you think of campus?"

"It's beautiful. It's not what I expected."

"What did you expect?", he chuckled.

"I don't know. More like an internment camp or a war zone." He laughed, something I rarely heard that made me laugh as well,

"Why would you assume that?"

"Because you run it. I expected nothing less than a military school." He shook his head a little, smiling,

"No military training here. Not yet at least. I am a very different person as your headmaster than as your-" He stopped, "As your caregiver."

"So... that's what you are to me?", I asked softly, "Just... my caregiver?"

"Mia-" The elevator opened, saving us both from an awkward conversation. We walked into the huge penthouse I'd seen from the street.

"Holy shit.", I whispered.


"Rules have not changed young lady."

"Sorry I just- This is incredible." The floors were a beautiful white and grey marble, the big grey couch in the living room tying it all together. A fireplace sat below a big screen T.V. and I saw a sleek black table through a doorway.

"It's a lot, yes. But I do own the whole school." I kept forgetting about that. "Come on." He led me down the hallway to a small black staircase as I followed him up. There was a small hallway at the top, consisting of four rooms. "This one's mine.", he said, opening the first door, "You're welcomed in here anytime." Still made me happy. "And this one's yours.", he said opening the door across from his, revealing a white room with gold and pink decor. "We can change it-"

"I love it.", I said pulling my bags inside. There was a connected bathroom with a separate door out to the hall as I assumed that's what the other door was as well.

"Well, you can unpack later. I'll show you around." We went back downstairs as he showed me a sleek black kitchen that held a small round table, much more for us to have our meals at than the huge dining room table. Down a hall was another two bedrooms and bathrooms, a small library, and a study. "Always knock before you enter this room.", Alex said opening the door, only to freeze as his face lit up, "Jake!" A young man sat at the desk, smiling slightly,

"Welcome home!", he said, getting up as Alex hugged him. I'd never seen Alex like this.

"What are you doing here? How are your classes? Don't you have school right now?", Alex babbled on.

"I heard you have a mini me and I thought I should come visit. My classes are fine, everyone loves me and people are already begging for me to work for them, and yes but since I'm two weeks ahead, I'm fine to leave for a bit." Alex turned to me, a look of pride in his eyes I'd never seen,

"Jake goes to Harvard.", he said proudly. I smiled,

"That's awesome. Who's Jake?" The man raised his hand,

"That'd be me."

"I'm Mia.", I said shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you." Alex's phone rang as he looked down at it and cursed under his breath,

"Fuck. I have to go handle something. You guys get to know each other, alright?" We nodded as he hugged Jake once more and kissed my head before leaving.

"That was weird.", I muttered. Alex rarely showed affection let alone got all giddy and proud.

"I'm kind of the anomaly.", Jake said, "C'mon. I wanna learn about you."


My hand gently found the tattoo on Jake's arm,

"This is cool.", I said admiring the dark triangle with roses and other plants in it. I froze as my hand ran over a deep scar. Then another.

"Couldn't tell from just looking at it, right?", Jake asked. I shook my head,

"No. Did... you do that?"

"Yeah. First year was rough." I sat up a little,

"Alright, you gotta tell me. Why is Alex so... normal with you? Like he actually cares. He seemed proud. That's not the Alex I know." He chuckled,

"I know. He does care and he is proud of me."


"It's a long story."

"I like long stories."

"The first week I was here, was terrible. My teachers all hated me, I couldn't seem to make any friends, and Alex would pick me out of four hundred other students to humiliate. I hated it here and I really hated him. Every single day of my first week ended with him strapping me. It was terrible. I thought I was legitimately going to die. I couldn't spend a whole year like that and I kinda lost it. When I woke up in the hospital the next week, the only person there was Alex. He had this look on his face like, pure concern and worry. I was terrified. I figured he was going to hit me again and then kick me out. But he didn't. He apologized and told me he was gonna help me from there on out. I was the only kid he personally tutored. He also personally pulled me out of a bar once and lost his shit when he found me smoking. But he really took care of me. Before long, my teachers liked me, I was top of my class, and then I was off to Harvard. My parents had always just given me money and left me to fix things hut Alex came into my life and actually fixed things. Yeah, he can be a dick and a stick in the mud, but in the end, I'm alive because of him and he's my only supporter."

"Not anymore."

The Headmaster's Secret (♡Completed♡)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant