Episode Four - A Lottery Or A Nightmare?

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Dr Cha takes in the vision of this impeccable stranger for a moment, before she flashes back to her Damp Desperado. "Gangster?" Kang Hoon winces at the appellation, but doesn't deny it. She goes on to ask him about his injury.
Together they enter the hospital. Kang Hoon takes a step backwards, and imperiously commands her to take care of "that thing". He is, of course, talking about Fuzzy, who stares in awe at his charm. Dr Cha isn't taken in by his charm, though, and yet again calls him heartless.
He explains he doesn't like flying hair; she explains that she doesn't give a flying leap about his chaetophobia. The gentle country veterinarian of his memory has morphed into this surly creature. He takes a quick glance at the cat, lifts his eyebrows and takes a big step into the doctor's personal space. He admits that he hates flying hair, but he hates obligation more.

Now on a bit more friendly terms, they sit down to discuss the past events. He asks her why she never contacted him, surprised that she never saw his business card. She gives him an invoice written on a posty note.

Maybe this way she avoids a formal invoice and hence a record of their clandestine activities on her business sheets. Whatever the case, he looks at the handwriting in horror: 700 000 ₩, or 538.41 € or $ 610.88?? She explains that since human health insurance can't be used as an offset, it's a complete and reasonable price for services rendered. And no additional costs for any grooming she might have done.
Kang Hoon is a bit upset. Is his life worth too little? Why didn't she request millions? He refuses to pay, saying his life can't be worth just this much. She offers to detail each line item.
He leans in closer to her, curious whether she has an ulterior motive. She takes offense to that notion and throws the posty note on the floor. They both sit back for a moment. Fuzzy takes a chance and sidles across the floor. Kang Hoon again requests the vet to move the beast away. She stands up to comply, slips on a squeaky ball, and tumbles into his arms. Four wide eyes stare at each other in surprise; she's gripping his shoulders while his hands are perilously close to her...
They spring apart: he into a pose of forced nonchalance, (notice what he covers), she with hand to heart like a Victorian virginette. Her heart still thumping, she yells at him to pay for the treatment and then leave.  But in that brief moment he makes a decision. Crowding back into her personal space (and he likes to do that a lot, doesn't he?), he will give her an offer she won't refuse.
At work, he tells PA Kang that there is a very special project he must do immediately. A diabolical smile plays across his face when he says this. Uh-oh!
It's a nice sunny day when he brings her to a fabulous location in the trendy side of Seoul. A luncheon date with roses and candlelight? Nope! It's a brand new state-of-the-art animal hospital, complete with butt-wipe lion and a security fence in case a patient decides to pull a Logan's Run.
He commands her to move her paltry business into this neighborhood, but she declines. It's too rich for her blood, but to him, it's the payment for her life-saving skills. She appreciates it, but no. He's incredulous.
Kang Hoon is so bewildered and confused by the behavior of this one tiny woman, he takes out his feelings on a handball court.  While he's smacking the ball, we get a flashback of the rest of the conversation at the trendy hospital
Dr Cha is proud of her own accomplishments, no matter how incremental, and doesn't want anything that is just handed to her. He is amazed she would prefer her tiny rural business over his offer. They both get spun up and annoyed until, finally he all but rubs his chest on hers. 

It doesn't matter. She laughs him off and still says no.

Back in the current time, Kang Hoon throws his racket in frustration. Way to work up a sweat! Right then and there, he decides to test her. Personally, I think a broody shower scene would have been perfect here
Dr Cha is shocked when the landlord stops by to say that the entire building has been purchased and is scheduled for demolition. Even to the extent of cancelling/buying out everyone's lease. After the former owner leaves, she collapses in despair.
Her phone rings, and she automatically answers. The deep smooth tones of the new building owner replies. It's Mr Lee Kang Hoon. Who? The voice gets impatient. Lee. Kang Hoon.
She immediately pops up, ready to plead her case. But wait. Why does that voice sound so familiar? Yep! It's the gangster.
How can you not recognize that voice? It’s raw seductive power packaged in a nice, low baritone!
They argue back and forth: she in desperation, he with evil amusement. The vet who loves her tiny hospital pitted against the arrogant chaebol who values his existence by things. He warns her that she has a week to move out before the building is destroyed.

But she saved his life! Why would he do this do her? Only a lunatic would behave this way. It doesn't matter; he won't budge. She ends up shouting epithets to a disconnected phone.

She Google Fu's her human patient, and discovers the kind of wealth and influence he has. She snarls a text to him first calling him a rich jerk, then threatening to expose his bullying tactic to the press, then whining. Nothing moves him; he commands her to surrender.
At the end of the conversation, he stares past his phone, while she puts her courage to the sticking place. Su su hwaiting, Dr Cha!

She starts by visiting local real estate agents, but there is nothing she can get with her current deposit money. Next, she tries to get a bank loan, but her income is sufficiently unstable to make her a poor risk

During these countdown days, Kang Hoon has her trailed, and giggles at the expressions on her face as she leaves each business, one by one. He is impressed by her perseverance, though, but now tells PA Kang to activate Plan B. And NOT the one with Rain.
Finally, Dr Cha calls home, only to hear her mom talk about the money woes of putting her brother through school. Rather than burden them further, she chats a bit then hangs up.

It's D-0, and Dr Cha is dozing in her chair when a "demolition crew" shows up. They stand there and do nothing as they tell her they will start immediately. She finally snaps and threatens them all with her utmost gesticulations.

Meanwhile, Kang Hoon is listening to her tirade and smiling. He calls the foreman of the "demolition crew" and tells him to stand down. When the call is completed, he stares out his window (the man really needs a rooftop deck) and muses that it's time to prepare for a guest
Our CEAss checks his watch before asking her what her definition of  'surrender' is. His self-satisfied smile is short-lived when she strikes him with her purse a couple of times before she collapses in a shrieking puddle of tears, wondering how could he treat her like crap after she saved her life.
Not sure what to do, he hunkers down and stares at her wet face like he's never seen this before. He edges in closer, and says in a low tone. "So, come to me, then."
I had a lot of concerns when it came to the this sequence. Kang Hoon is using bullying tactics against a weaker opponent. But is she really weaker? Yes, she ended up crying on the floor, but I'm sure that after a moment of weakness, she would have shored up her spine and somehow muddled through the loss of her hospital. After all, she managed to work through eight years of graduate studies while juggling family and money issues, she's not going to back down from a (possible) setback like this.
In the end, she's not like anybody Kang Hoon has experienced, and, despite the abs, I'm sure he really wouldn't hurt her or destroy her livelihood. He's unfamiliar with her type, but he is certainly not evil.

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