Chapter 0: Ponies Meet Disney, Prologue

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She was snapped out of her melancholy memories of them as young fillies sleeping together in the same bed by the voice of her star pupil and student in ways of friendship, Twlilight Sparkle.

"It's good that you're awake Princess because we have no idea what is going on or where we are though it looks vaguely like the realm I went to through that mirror at The Crystal Empire."

Princess Celestia could not help but agree in that regard as the last thing she remembered was having a small break from her royal duties of meeting with the stuffy nobles of Canterlot with Luna over tea and cakes when suddenly she felt tired and in need of even more rest and then ending up waking at this place.

She decided to try and awaken her sister to see if she had any ideas or thoughts on what happened.

She used one of her legs and hooves to gently nudge her sister awake as she called after her.

"Luna, please sister it's time to wake up."

After another few nudges and calls out to her Luna soon awoke in the same manner that Celestia did, bleary eyed and confused.

"Where has thou ended up, explain thyself Twilight Sparkle and thy Sister."

Celestia felt like rolling her eyes at how her sister was still stuck in talking like many ponies talked in olden days, but she resisted as she turned her attention to Twlight Sparkle as she asked again to the purple Unicorn.

"Yes I believe it's time we find out what is going on so please Twilight Sparkle, what do you think happened to us all?"

As Twilight Sparkle was about to open her mouth and offer an answer she was interrupted by a unfamiliar voice that spoke aloud to them all.

"I can explain that if you wish Princess."

Everypony's heads snapped round to the direction of the voice only to see that the strange black flat device had somehow turned on and had the image of someone or rather somepony standing in the middle of a bland rather grey room.

The Pony was Male and rather dapper in a nice suit that seemed to fit his body well as if tailored to it.

He had what looked like a small moustache but also had some wrinkles and signs of age on his face but what was most notable was the small smile and happy expression he had which somehow made everyone want to feel welcome and joyful in this stallions presence.

His mane was slicked back and had signs of gray here and there but still showed streaks of dark hair, the same was said for his tail.

That was when the other ponies noticed his cutie mark which was odd but strangely seemed fitting for him yet they did not know why.

It was a series of three black circles with two being smaller and attached to the top of the bottom third circle and inside the bottom circle was what looked like a white stylised letter 'D' that filled out the bottom circle.

They could see the cutie mark because he wore no trousers and had only what looked like long socks on his hind legs.

His body was also a very pale peach colour which seemed to compliment his greyish blue suit that he wore.

What was most surprising and shocking however was that he was an Alicorn much like Luna and Celestia.

(Imagine as if a certain man was turned into a Pony.)

The Pony spoke to them, "Greetings to you all and please do not be afraid or alarmed too much as I mean you no harm."

Celestia gave the Pony in the device a stern look as did Luna as the Alicorn of the Night then spoke, "Thou best be true and tell no lies, otherwise thou shan't have long before suffering from thy rath so speak quickly and true as to why we all are here and what thou intends to do with us."

The Pony in the device gave the Dark Blue coloured Alicorn a nervous smile as he cleared his throat and spoke back in a weak reply.

"O...of course your highness."

He then cleared his throat again as he said to them all.

"What I have done; with a little help that is, is that I have taken you all from your own dimension and brought you all to a small pocket dimension that a friend of mine had created for my own use."

Celestia asks the Pony in curiosity, "Who is this friend of yours?"

The Pony gave the Alicorn of the Sun a grin and said back to her, "I am afraid I cannot divulge that information as it is not mine to give but his."

He had a more stern and strict look from his face as he appeared to stand by what he is saying.

Celestia had a resigned look in her face in return as she asked again to him, "So what is it you want from us; as it is obvious you need or want something and we are the ones who seem to be able to provide it."

The Male Alicorn gave Celestia a grin at the sharp mind she had which made the White Alicorn nearly end up blushing and she did not know why she wanted to.

The Male Alicorn spoke to them all again, "It may interest you all to know that this body was not my true one as I was once what you would call a Human, I trust that Miss Sparkle knows what I am talking about?"

Twilight gasped and spoke aloud as she also asked the Alicorn in the device, "Are you from that world I visited through the mirror?"

The Male Alicorn seems to mull over that question as he answered back, "Somewhat; as my original world is similar but where I was from we did not have magic or have skin and hair colours in such variety as yours and that world did."

"Let me show you,"

He lit up his horn as a flash occurred which made the image turn bright white for a moment and when it cleared up and calmed down back to normal the Pony that stood there was no longer a Pony.

Instead it became a bipedal creature with the suit from before now covering the whole body as the facial hair and hair colour was similar to when he was a Pony.

His skin colour was a pale pink or at least a very pale peach.

He spoke aloud to the surprised group of Pony's as most of them were shocked and astounded at what they were seeing besides Twilight and Spike whose reaction was only marginaly surprised.

"This is what I used to look like before I died."

This snapped the Ponies out their current shock but only lead to further shock as they all refocused their attention to the Human Male.

Twilight was the one to ask him, "You Died?"

The Alicorn turned human nodded as he gave himself a proper introduction, "My name in my former human life was Walter Disney."


That is it for this chapter and my first in a series of chapters that I hope you all will enjoy.

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