Chapter 1

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Justin's POV

J:"No , No! Mom wake up please mom hold on , mommm don't leave please"

I wake up to lily shaking me

J:Oh my god lily, what do you want

L: you were screaming again in your sleep, I think you need help

J: no all I need is some sleep and not an annoying little person coming in my room every 5 minutes cuz she's bored and has nothing better to do

L: what so now I'm just a person, we might not have the same mother but we are still related, you're still my brother

J: oh yea your right cuz your whor* of a mother was having sex with my dad while he was still married to my mom

Lily started tear up a bit, and for second I felt bad but it quickly passed once I thought of her mother

L: you found out 8 years ago , when are you going to forgive our dad and except my mom makes him happy

J: just about when they divorce and ur mom is begging on the streets like she was before she met my dad

Frustrated lily ran out of the room and slammed her room door

The door opens and I see my dad peek his head in

J: what!! Can i please go to sleep for like 2 mins without being interrupted!?

Chris: son , what did you say to her now

J: who lily , nothing she's just being a drama queen as always

Chris: or your being a jerk as always to your little sister

J: half lil....

Chris interrupted me with a sharp tone

Chris: don't even say it she is your sister and that's that , you are going to be nice to her or else

J: or else what , you gonna ground me cuz that worked so well the last time

Chris: no actually I'm gonna take your Ferrari away and you could say bye to going on that weekend trip to Atlanta with your buddies

I get up seeing as there's no way I'm going to fall asleep now

J: ha your funny dad , now can ya get out, I need to get dressed for school you know unless you want me to be late and ditch

He looks at me with disappointment, and I know because I've gotten use to that look over the years.

Chris: justin I'm serious if you don't clean up ur act, there will be consequences. Now I want u to apologize to ur sister and come eat with us on the padio for breakfast

J: ok fine, chill, can ya go now!?

Chris: good

He throws me my shirt

God he's so annoying , that women is changing him and he doesn't even know it

I knock on Lilly's door, she opens

J: look I'm sorry for saying what I said , what I meant to say is your mom was a whore now she's just a gold digger

Lily screams in frustration and runs out to the padio

I can't help but laugh

Chris: justin get down here now!

J: well this should be fun

J: what did I do now I apologized like u asked

I smirk

L: hmf you call that an apology!? Dad! he called mom a whore

Chris gets up and pushes me aside

C: that's it justin , I've had enough, I've tried giving you time to cope with the loss of your mother but your 17 now and you need to grow up, you know your mom wouldn't have wanted you to act this way

J: what do you know about what mom wanted u were with Anne the whole time u guys were together !

C: that's enough I told u it wasn't like that, idk what to do with you anymore I have no choice, it's decided your going back to boarding school , you can finish the rest of your semester here, but that's it

J: but dad ! I'm ...

I was gonna say I was sorry but he wasn't gonna hear it this time

C: no justin I'm done , maybe this is for the best , maybe you need some time away so that you realize what you have here is a family and acknowledge that your part of it whether you like it or not

J: you know what , i will go it's not like I'm your son or anything obviously you want me gone , so you could just be with your real happy family right, you never loved mom and she was right to want to divorce you , it should've been you that died instead !

I run back inside the house and grab my keys to my car and pull out the drive way, as I drive  to the tracks I thought maybe I was a bit harsh but I couldn't help it he's always taking their side. Before I new it I was in the middle of the train tracks when I saw the flashing lights ....

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