July 7th, 1973

32.9K 94 52

5:02 AM

We lost Frederick last night. Damn Engine went after the poor guy. He thought he was safe away from the tracks. Boy, was he wrong. Some workmen found his body in a shed this morning after hearing him scream. Anyways, we're preparing ourselves to move out this morning. People have Welded Side Plates onto Henry for added protection. We leave in an hour.

5:58 AM

We woke up about 50 minutes ago, and We've started firing up the engines. Henry's side plates were fitted and ready to go. We got a diagram for the consist from last night with the optimal order of rolling stock and engines to travel with. It'll start with an open wagon made of metal, followed by Henry, who's our wall of defense. Then, 2 coal trucks will follow, full of welsh coal. Edward will follow suit, with a coal truck of his own, and pulling the vans with the survivors and workmen. If something happens, Edward can be uncoupled, and make a getaway. Workmen are currently covering Henry and Edward's boiler with tarps, to camouflage with the surroundings. Hopefully, we'll be able to get to the next station safely.

6:24 AM

It's been 15 minutes since we've departed. We're keeping the fires as low as possible so no attention could be drawn to us. So far, we haven't seen anything living. Only the fog rolling in and the swaying corpses of the dead trees. It's freakishly eerie.

8:13 AM

So much just happened. And I'll need lots of space to write. While heading away from Kildane, we spotted what seemed to be a train off the line. Upon closer inspection, it was actually Percy, who was derailed in a ditch. Both Henry and Edward were in shock when they saw him. He was breathing, but his breaths were extremely weak, and his jaw was broken and dislocated. Blood was dripping out of his mouth. I couldn't look at it. I felt like I was going to vomit. Annie and Clarabel were still with him, as well as the truck from earlier. To our surprise, That truck was the one that used to belong to the S.C.Ruffey ballast company located in Tidmouth before it went bankrupt. S.C.Ruffey was then used as any other 7-plank wagon. Clarabel and Annie were nervous, and visibly scared. They finally calmed down after Henry told them to take some breaths, and they told us what happened. Apparently, Percy wanted to leave the island as fast as possible, and rushed his was across, filling up his tank outside of Kildane before continuing his sprint. However, the night before, a creature chased them down the line. The thing was huge, and wouldn't stop chasing them. They didn't see the points, and ran right into the siding where Percy derailed. The passengers inside the coaches all opened the doors and ran like mice, but the beast finished them off with some sort of Tendril. Right before the beast was about attack the loco and rolling stock, Gordon shot past, and the beast chased him instead. That's all the two could remember. S.CRuffey was definitely horrified by what he saw too, and didn't really talk. Alex and Peter were resting inside Clarabel, and we brought them aboard our train. We found out the reason why the coaches weren't mutated was because Radiation does not effect wood, and since their faces are mesh in the walls of the coach, they were perfectly fine. S.C.Ruffey, on the other hand, was graced by being filled with Welsh Coal. We couldn't just leave them there, so we uncoupled them, and pulled them off the siding. We all wanted to get Percy too, but his injuries were beyond what they could fix. No one could bring their self together to put him out of his misery, so we decided to leave him there. We pulled Annie, Clarabel and S.C.Ruffey back to the Kildane yard. We didn't dare look back, because we'd only feel more guilty for not doing it.

10:23 AM

We've decided to play it safe, and think of a strategy. S.C.Ruffey thought he saw Toad behind that creature, wailing for him to stop. S.C.Ruffey then started thinking about a rescue mission. The plan would be that Edward would lure the Beast out of the Iron works with S.C.Ruffey, and knowing the history between them, He would be the perfect bait. When we get that thing out of his nest, Henry would charge in, and grab toad. We'll get a workman to control the Massive bucket crane, and when Oliver gets lured back into the iron works, we'll strike him, and hopefully knock that beast out. We'll try it in a day or two, but first, we need to find some food.

9:31 PM

Change of plans, we might have a problem. S.C.Ruffey has a wheel flat on his rear axle. This might be a problem for us to have this plan work out in the end. We also heard cries for help in the smelters. God knows who it might be, but we have to investigate soon, or else we might lose more men.

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