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It's summer of the year 2012 . An interesting news headline is making rounds , " LAZARUS COMES TO NQUTU " . This headline is making a reference to , Mgqumeni , a Maskandi musician , who had died 3 years earlier . Ukhozi FM , a radio station that broadcasts in Zulu , had interviewed a certain gentleman , who claimed to have been the fallen hero , of the Maskandi music .

Maskandi music lovers were beginning to heal from the ripple effect of the real UMgqumeni's passing , and " memfu" ( surprisingly) , came this unfortunate impersonation of their hero . The listeners of Ukhozi FM , were about to be treated to an interview of a person who was claiming to be UMgqumeni , the musician , who had" risen from the dead" . In the interview , he claimed that , there isn't much that he could remember , to quote him verbatim , "
I saw a bull , and everything went black , I'm only finding out what really happened , now that I have been found , that people thought that I was dead "
Mgqumeni's story was widely reported , his fans wanted to witness for themselves , the return of their hero , they were prepared to take that long journey South , to see their hero . This incident took place at Kwanyezi , an open area just a few kilometres outside the small rural town of Nqutu .
Fans from most parts of South Africa , and others , who came from as far as Zimbabwe , descended to this village , to witness for themselves , the so called " resurrection" of their hero from the dead . Nqutu , is the local town of my village where I was born and bred , so I was lucky to witness this incident , because it happened during the time when I had gone home to visit my mother from Capetown . Just a few days after Ukhozi FM interview , the following Sunday to be precise , a vast number of people gathered at an open area , in Kwanyezi , to get a glimpse of their hero . There was some controversy here of course , some people believed that indeed it was Mgqumeni , but others did not .
Some news reporters say that , when the fake Mgqumeni emerged from police Inyala , which had been arranged by police to control the crowds , some real Mgqumeni fans cried . These fans cried because they felt that their hero had lost so much weight , while other fans asked him to smile .
There was a young gang of boys , we are told , who were angry , and they kept on saying " it's not him " . The fake Mgqumeni , when challenged by those who were not convinced that he was the real Mgqumeni , is quoted to have said , " my face has changed because of the lifestyle I was living as a zombie , but I'm still Mgqumeni . It turned out , that he was not the real Mgqumeni , who had sadly passed on a few years earlier , but an IMPOSTOR .

Mgqumeni , the Maskandi music legend , was born in Nqutu , his full names are , Khulekani Kwakhe Mgqumeni Khumalo . It is said that , at a young age , Mgqumeni had shown an aptitude for the guitar , he competed in some local talent shows and won a few . He soon joined his uncle , Mahawukela , who was with Izintombi Zoma Maskandi group . He persued a solo career afterwards , and became a celebrated artist in his own right .The singer left 13 children, and six fiancees known to the family .

The impostor that caused all the confusion , suits the description of an impostor in every way . He deceived the nation , by pretending to be someone he was not . He did this , through means of disguise , inorder for him to gain financial and social advantages through social engineering . The impostor's real name was Sbusiso Gcabashe , crazy isn't ? Well , the story doesn't end here . Apparently , he was not only an impostor , but he had a pending rape case and a string of other cases . Upon further investigations , kidnapping charges were added and , of course , rape charges .

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