3-Got a problem?

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"Well well well look who we have here!"

The next day you woke up earlier than usual

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The next day you woke up earlier than usual. You don't why but you like to wake up early and just read a book or chill. So you got dressed, grabbed a book and went into the great hall. You sat in the slytherin table,there were a few people sitting around you. You were reading the tales of beedle the bard, and yes you are aware that you are thirteen years old but that book was your favourite book when you were young and it still is. You sat there reading for half an hour, It wasn't your favourite place to read, the astronomy tower was much calmer and it made you feel some type of way.

You closed your book, got up and started walking to professor snape's office. You couldn't remember what your first class was and you needed your schedule. You were walking and then you heard someone behind you call

"Wait!" said the voice.

you turned around and to your surprise it was the hufflepuff from yesterday. You didn't know his name so you just called him hufflepuff boy.

"What?" You replied while keeping a straight face.

"I wanted to give you this...you dropped it yesterday but I didn't have the chance to give it to you." The boy said while handing you your schedule.

"k.." You mumbled. Why weren't you acting like your usual self? You could do better than that.

"And I'm sorry about yesterday by the way." said the boy while smiling at you. Why was he being so nice?

"It's whatever." You replied. Normally you would have replied with an insult. What was happening to you?

"I'm Cedric Diggory by the way" Said Cedric while holding out his hand for you.

Ok you had to redeem yourself so you replied.

"Y/n malfoy" you said it in a more sassy way while smirking at him and shook his hand.

"I guess I'll see you around diggory." You said and left.


You were now in transfiguration. It wasn't your favourite class but it was okay. You sat next to Kyle and you two kept talking, you were at the back so no one noticed.

"How about we ditch this class y/n?" Kyle said.

"Yeah good idea we just need to walk out in the middle of the class without Mcgongall noticing even tho she's right there!" you replied sarcastically.

"Sounds easy to me" Kyle said while laughing.

You really liked Kyle as a friend, He was funny and was always there for you not to mention he's always up to something that would make him end up in detention. You always tell each other your secrets.

"Miss Malfoy and mister Carson! Were you listening to what I was saying?" Mcgongall suddenly came up to you.

"Uhhh yeah! Y/n was just explaining to me....something I didn't understand!" Kyle said nervously. That boy was not good at lying.

"Is that so?" Mcgongall said sternly.

"Yes professor! we'll will pay attention now." You said.

Mcgongall sighed and walked away.

"That was close" You said while taking your breathe.


You were in your last class of the day, potions! It was your favourite. You were always on top and professor snape liked you.

"Now I want you in pairs and prepare the draught of living death" Professor snape said.

You paired up with Madison.And started preparing the potion, It was a little challenging but you could do it.

Fifteen minutes had passed and you and Madison were almost done with your potion.

"Mister Diggory What on earth are you doing?" You heard professor snape say.

You looked around and saw Cedric. Wait..He was in this class?

"Uhh brewing my potion?" Cedric replied.This isn't going to end well.

"And have you read the instructions clearly?" Snape asked him.

"Yes sir" Cedric replied. You couldn't really see his potion so you didn't know what was wrong with it.

"Maybe you need to learn how to read correctly because you're supposed to add the powdered Root of Asphodel then STIR the potion 3 times." Snape said clearly annoyed.

"Oh...I didn't see that." Cedric replied it was obvious that he was embarrassed.

"Then get your eyes checked mister Diggory." Snape replied and walked away.

A few people laughed. Then snape walked over to your table.

"Hmm I see you've finished your potion?" He asked You and Amelia.

"Yes sir." You replied proudly.

He took a look at it and said:

"It's perfect 20 points to slytherin." He said with a very small smile and walked to see the other potions.

You looked around and saw a boy next to Cedric glaring at you and then he looked at you with disgust..He must be Cedric's partner.

You gave him a hard glare til he looked away. You are gonna deal with him after class...

~After a while~

"Class dismissed." Snape announced.

You and Madison made your way out of the class and towards the boy and saw him with cedric.

"Well well well look who we have here!" You said to him.

"Got a problem with me mate? Cause It's rude to stare you know..didn't your mommy teach you about etiquettes?" You said to him while smirking. You heard Madison and a few other slytherins laugh behind you.

"Who do you think you are?" Said the boy while taking a few steps forward.

"Oliver! Stop!" Cedric said and held Oliver by his arm.

"Woah Diggory you might want to consider your friendship choices, They might help you see the instructions clearly!" You said to him with a loud tone.

"How dare you-" Oliver said but Aaron cut him off.

"Watch your mouth Wilson" He said in a threating way. How did he know his last name?

Then You all started making your way to the common room.

"Hey Aaron when did you get here? And how did you know his last name?" you asked him.

"I was walking and saw a crowd so I went to see what was happening." Aaron said avioding eye contact. What was wrong with him?

"What about-" you said but you were cut off by him.

"His last name? I heard it somewhere." He said and left.

"What's up with him?" Madison asked.

"No idea.." You replied.

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