Chapter 9: Visiting Again

Start from the beginning

"So you want to say that the target of this wolf is Officer Rex and his friends?" Jenny asked anxiously.

Pearl glanced in surprise at the German Shepherd, not expecting her to worry like that, and then became serious and said: "According to the eyewitness, it is so, but we don't know his motives, now we have to wait until he reappears"

Pearl wanted to say something else, but Officer Jonathan approached them.

The officer turned to Rex: "My work day is over, and you still have work until the morning, I hope I can rely on you?", While stroking Rex on the head.

In response, he heard 'woof! ', Then turned to Pearl and Jenny with a smile:" I leave it to you, officers. "

In response, he heard from Jenny 'Woof! ', And from Pearl' Frr''.

After that, Jonathan went into the building, with a smile, thinking about the upcoming meeting with Mary.

After he left, Pearl snorted: "Pff, humans."

"By the way, Pearl, you promised to tell me about the Dalmatian family" with interest in the voice, Rex reminded her.

"Ohhh, here Jenny and I will tell you a lot about them, listen carefully" for the next hours, the officers told Rex everything they knew.

Hospital, morning

"A rare case, colleagues, there were no calls to us tonight," said Dr. Dave to the Dalmatians.

Then another doctor came into the office and asked: "Dr. Dave, sign and you can go home."

"Yes, yes, I'm already going" leaving the office, then he turned to Drew and Delilah "The work schedule has already been drawn up, you can look," he pointed to the stand and disappeared behind the door.

Dalmatians went to the stand.

After looking at the schedule, Delilah asked Drew: "I hope you are satisfied with the schedule?".

"Quite" said Drew calmly, and then peered at the schedule and remarked "We are mainly working with Dr. Dave, and he will come again this evening, and I should be here too."

"That's right, you will work together tonight, a schedule that will be easier for you and for me as well" Delilah said.

"As you say, mentor, then until the next meeting," said Drew, about to leave.

"Would you like to visit us today with your friends? I think the puppies would be happy to see you, "said Delilah.

"Well, if your eldest daughter does not try to kick me out, then we will be happy to come to you," said Drew, without changing the calm expression of his face, then he added, "If anything, we will contact you through the World Wide Woof."

Then they said goodbye to each other.

Drew decided to come by the police station, realizing that Rex had not left yet.

Police station, morning

Looking at the sleeping Pearl, Rex turned to Jenny: "We won't wake her, tell her that I will be back to the shift, as expected," then he took off his uniform and was about to leave.

"Wait, let me walk you," said Jenny, and then the two of them walked out of the police station.

At the exit, Rex turned to Jenny: "Have you made up your mind about our date?", Rex asked her.

In response, she only giggled and whispered to his ear about the date.

Rex began to wag his tail with joy, and then, leaving, continued to look at Jenny, bombarding her with compliments in all the languages ​​he knew.

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