Where Dragons Fell, So Did We

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"It ain't gonna be easy," Rytlock grunts.

Logan flashes him a tired but understanding smile. "When have things ever been easy for us?" he asks.

The large charr huffs. "Point taken," he mutters. Rytlock's snout twitches and he shakes his head as if there's a bad smell in the air.

Logan feels it too. The whole island feels wrong; artificial and filled to the brim with all kinds of magic and energies. The air almost feels electric, and sometimes in some places, it's so bad that Logan feels his hair stand on end. Does Rytlock look a bit fluffier than usual, or is it just Logan's imagination?

"There's no use standing around. Either we kill that thing, or it kills us. All of us." Logan turns and addresses the soldiers gathered behind him. "We move south. Into the jungle to capture and fortify a good point of operation."

"Those who are coming with us; gear up and mount up. We move out of here as soon as possible," Rytlock adds, stepping forward as he speaks. His long whiskers brush against Logan's left pauldron.

The soldiers quickly scramble to their stations or rush off to follow the orders given, leaving the Marshall and the Tribune standing by themselves amidst the growing chaos.

Despite standing less than an arm's length away, perhaps a little too close, Logan turns and faces Rytlock. He takes a deep breath and smiles, another tired but this time more genuine smile. "Just like old times, ey?" he asks.

Rytlock looks at him and nods. "Just don't run off on us again, not sure I would forgive you this time around," he mutters.

Logan smile fades, but only slightly. "I will never run from you again," he says, his voice unusually tender.

"Bah, don't get all gooey on me now, Logan. We've got a dragon to kill. Once and for all."

With an agreeing nod, Logan turns on his heels and starts marching towards the south gate, Rytlock following suit. "We're heading out!" Logan calls. "Let's go!"

Rytlock watches his partner silently as they head towards the gate. Logan appears all stoic and strong, but there's something off about him and the way he moves. It's like fear has an eye on him, and Logan's trying too hard not to let it get to him.

Is it because they're facing an elder dragon? Rytlock wonders. Is it because they're heading into the unknown? Or because all odds are stacked against them? But they have faced odds like this before. Half of their lives have been treading through unknown ground, and this certainly isn't the first elder dragon they fight.

Then again, Logan and Rytlock have stood before Kralkatorrik before, and that had ended in catastrophe. If Rytlock was going to be completely honest, he too is a bit anxious about this whole thing. Not the fighting dragons part, and not even the dying part, but the part where literally the entire world is at stake.

One look from Logan tells Rytlock that that is exactly what worries Logan too. Their gazes are all but locked together until they reach the gate. Rytlock nods slowly, as if he's trying to tell Logan that he's ready.

They mount their raptors and wait a short moment for the rest of the company to do the same.

"Move out!" Logan says. "Keep your eyes out for trouble. Who knows what devilry we're going to find." He turns in his saddle as if to check and see if Rytlock is following, which he is. "You ready?"

"I've been ready for a long time now," Rytlock mumbles. "Now more than ever."

Logan nods, another smile growing on his face. The smile suits him, confident but gentle. Then he turns to face the jungle again. "Alright! We march south!" He orders, digging his heels into the sides of his raptor, spurring it forward.

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