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{Another Author's Note}

{What is this!? Two chapters in one day!! Woohoo! Anyway, It's time for some you guys to give me some feedback. Theres a couple things I want to see you guys answer in the comment section, so I'll get right to it.

1. Should I add a fourth perspective? I want to give a perspective from Aurey/Erin but it may make the chapters even longer, however, I know some of readers want to see that.

2. Are the chapters too long? If there are four perspectives, I'll make it as two perspectives per chapter.

3. Is this boring? I feel like I find myself 'stuck in the doldrums' of writing, if you will. Aka, I feel like I just sort of ramble at some points. If I do, let me know!

4. What about the Author's Notes? Are they really stupid? Should I stop adding them in? 

Thank you all again so so much for the tremedous support. I've reached 200 reads, and people have been voting like crazy for this!! It's really such an honor! Keep it up!}


It was a cold night. I sat on the porch silently, surveying the area. Our knives had been collected by someone as I had expected. As vulnerable as I was, I was confident about two things. The first was that i was safely outside of Ryan’s grasp at the moment, and the second being that I could survive the night. Part of me wanted to break back into Jerome’s uncle’s house, and take shelter there for the night, but part of me craved to prove the guards that I was worth something. I lurked off to Jerome’s uncle’s house, and searched the kitchen for supplies. There were, of course, the unappreciated kitchen knives that I armed myself with. Then I remembered, the gun! When Mitch had come to my rescue, I had dropped it out of sheer relief. Ryan had been too busy acting innocent to notice. I rushed to the master bedroom where my prize sat, glimmering in the darkness. I picked it up delicately, and traced it’s outline with my fingers.  I was infinitely satisfied. Suddenly, it dawned on me that this place was practically untouched by raiders. I supposed that Jack would feel a bit guilty robbing his dead neighbor’s house. I suddenly became terrified of myself. I was causally ripping apart someone’s house and looting it, without the slightest hesitation. For a moment, I considered leaving the gun. I took a deep breath, and decided to keep it. I never realized how delicate humanity could be. I knew that a gun would be a shocking surprise to the guards, but I didn’t want to surrender it to them. I decided to continue my ruthless ways and continue to search the house. I searched the cabinets and was satisfied to find a container of TUMS (heart warm relievers) and a bottle of Advil. A savage desire still burned within me to continue searching. I searched closets and bedrooms and found a feminine looking jacket and a sleek leather handbag. I put my collected treasures in the bag, except my gun, that stayed in my right hand. I found a bottle of fine wine that hadn’t been open, and snuck it into my bag as well. My passionate desire to steal was dying, and I swiftly left the house, and returned to Jack’s fort. I hid the gun under my new jacket, and rapped on the door lightly. One of the guards opened the door. His mouth formed an ‘O’ in shock. “Hello boys.” I sneered, brushing past them. The burning selfishness began to fill me again, and I felt myself clinging to my leather bag. “I brought you two a treat for being so patient.” I said, pulling out the wine bottle. Both of their eyes lit up with desire to consume the bitter drink. “And, I found medicine. Nothing special, just heart warm relievers, but they might be useful.” I added, handing it to the guard that had opened the door. “I think I’ll keep the bag, you know, for the next time I go scouting.” I smiled cunningly, and pushed past them to the basement. It was menacingly dark, but I found my place among everyone. I lie down in my spot, holding the gun near me, and dozed off.

ZombiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon