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{Author's Note}

{Hey guys! I'm late again, whoops. But, theres a couple things I want to cover real quick before you read the chapter. First, there are some explcit details relating to killing in Ashley's perspective, so be prepared. Also, Sydney doesn't have a perspective this chapter because for this chapter, and probably for the next chapter because since Ashley and Sydney are experincing basically the same thing, I think it would be somewhat boring to read and write about Sydney settling into Gardenwall. Don't worry though, if you like her perspective, it will be back in the next chapter or two. That's all for now, thank you again!}


The hours dragged by as I tried to decide on what to do. I wanted to alert Mayor Mars immediately, but I also needed more information. I also wanted Mitch to get involved so he could he Ryan’s true personality. I knew that the wrong choice could bring the destruction of Gardenwall. Then I remembered Linda! She would help me, and was willing to go to extreme measures to protect the community. I sprinted off to the gates, where a lanky dark skinned man leaned against the gate sleepily. “Who’re you?” I wrinkled my face in confusion. “Oh, you’re the new Brit, eh? Ralph’s the name. What can I do for you?” He asked easily. “Where’s Linda?” I asked. “Well, believe it or not, she actually DOES need sleep at some point or another, so that’s where she is now; resting.” Ralph explained cooly. “It’s an emergency. Where does she live?” I asked hurriedly. “I’m sure it’s nothing I can’t handle.” Ralph said cooly, swinging his gun. I gritted my teeth in frustration. “Sir I-” I began but was cut off. “Name’s Ralph. Use it.” He replied daringly. I took a deep breath. “Ralph, I’m really sorry, but I don’t know you and I don’t trust you as much as I trust Linda. Please take me to her.” I repeated, tapping my foot nervously. Time ticked on, measured or not, and I was wasting it standing there, conversing with the fool. “I’m just as responsible as her!” Ralph shouted indignantly. We argued on and on, until the night began to grow old. Finally, I turned away from him, furious. “Fine! I give up!” I had spent too much time arguing, and I had to get back before they got there first so that I could hide. I dashed off, down the artificially lit streets and into Mrs. Taylor’s garden. It was a crisp night, and the garden sat in silent creamy light of the moon. I hid behind the weeping willow tree. It’s soft tendrils trembled in the breeze, and I sat like a statue until Jason appeared. He walked among the garden, carelessly trampling a crop, and waited for Ryan, impatiently tapping his foot. Eventually, Ryan came clambering down into the garden, rubbing his eyes with exhaustion. “Nobody was there earlier, you bitch.” Ryan yawned. Without warning, Jason delivered a swift punch to Ryan’s face, making the man I once feared above zombies cower. “Don’t talk to me like that, okay? Without me, you’d be nothing. You ARE nothing, but because of me, you may be something.” Jason hissed. “Yeah, yeah, okay. Just tell me what you needed to.” Ryan snarled. “Alright, alright. They’re coming tomorrow, the gang. The messenger arrived an hour ago at the back gate. They’re making great ground. They’ll be here mid day, so we’ve got to stay at the meeting place ‘till they get there. Half of them are going to storm the front, while we help half of them get in from the back. They’ll surround the camp, and kill most before they have a chance to arm themselves.” “Is Linda on guard tomorrow? Or Ralph?” Ryan asked. Jason’s smile gleamed in the night. “It’s Ralph’s time. Meet me back there tomorrow, okay? Early. This is gonna work.” He promised Ryan. I tried pushing myself further into the shadows, so that they might engulf me and take me away from that terrible place. The discussed for several more long minutes more precise details of the situation until Jason finally left, and Ryan followed shortly. After I was certain that they were gone, I broke free from the shadows, and decided that reporting to the Mayor would be the best option. I dashed off, down the moonlight roads until I approached Mayor Mars’s house. I rapped on the door urgently until the sleepy man cracked the door open. “Miss Ashley? Is something wrong?” He asked, trying to conceal the note of drowsy irritation in his voice. “Mr. Mars, it’s Jason and Ryan. They’re planning an attack!” I began, breathless. That brief sentence was enough to catch the poor mayor’s attention. “Attack? Jason and Ryan? Why?” Mars bombarded me with questions. “Early this evening I heard them talking about another group; a nomadic group I think. They plan to attack tomorrow,” I spluttered. The mayor’s yes darkened with concern, and he leaned heavily against the door. “Ashley, dear. I trust you, you understand that? But, if what you are saying is true, your friend Ryan and Jason will be exiled.” He explained. “I know! They plan to attack from the back and the front, while Ralph is on duty. We need to get everyone up and awake!” I said, impatiently waiting to wake the town. “Alright, alright, let’s go.” Mars walked out onto the porch next to me. “Go left, I’ll go right.” He commanded. I did so, and turned my back for half a second before a strangled cry erupted from the mayor. Instantly, I whirled around and saw Ryan plunging a knife deeper and deeper down the mayor’s throat. I screamed, as any sane person may do, and lunged forward at Ryan instinctually. The man who I once considered a dear friend grabbed my arm, and pulled the knife slowly across my left arm, ripping open the flesh. Dark blood blossomed out of the fresh wound, but my adrenaline was so high that the sight shocked me more than the actual pain itself. I stared at it with a gaping mouth, as Ryan pulled me away from the scene. A couple people who had heard my scream came drowsily outside, some armed, some not, but we were out of sight before they came out. He viciously yanked me back to the Ms. Taylor’s garden where Jason was sitting with a rope. “I told you someone was there!” Jason was laughing manically, leaping from the shadows. “Why don’t you just kill me?” I cried softly, recovering from my shock slowly. “Kill you? Ash, as much as I’d love to drag this lovely thing across your throat, I can’t. Not yet.” Ryan smiled, admiring his knife that was dripping crimson from Mayor Mars’s blood. “the new tribe wants a blood sacrifice, and you know about them, I’m sure.” Jason said. “You knew..” I murmured, hanging my head. “Of course.” Jason sneered, throwing me against the willow tree’s trunk, and tying me tightly to it. The rope was so tight I could hardly breathe, and it’s rough texture cut my stomach. “Don’t feel bad, Ashley. You helped us, actually. You are the reason that Mayor Mars is dead, and now the town is in chaos. Who will lead the poor souls now?” Jason smiled slyly. “Alright, Jason, we should get ready. They’ll be coming soon.” Ryan reminded them. The two slunk away like venomous snakes, leaving me in the darkness. 

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