Naughty Naughty Mariogirl_

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After fourth-wall-Wumbo's strange appearance, Izzy and Mariogirl_ end their conversation by doing a quick role-play session. It's Garfield night! Izzy as Garfield and Mariogirl_ as the lasagna, of course.

"I hate Mondays," Izzy, now Garfield, mumbled quietly, rubbing her tired eyes.

"((It's Wednesday.))" MarioGirl_ replied.

"Joemama!" Izzy retorted with indignance, "Do you want to roleplay or not??"

"Kirumi has Powers. DIO has been working to uncover her Secret, which is that she has Powers, you have to protect her. She can't trust Jotaro anymore because he Stabbed her 27 times and she Died.))"

"Shut up about your dumbass OC already! We're doing a Garfield roleplay, you are the lasagna and I'm Garfield, remember? Now if you don't sit quiet like a good little dinner, it's number one on the Vore List for you!" Izzy reprimanded her with a scowl.

"So you're just going to throw me out LIKE A PIECE OF TRASH?! This is why I hate Your Kind, they all treat me like an Outcast."

She gets up and storms out of the room, her snow-white wedding dress whipping in the wind behind her as she slams the door with a hefty THUD. Izzy sat there with her mouth hanging open, dumbfounded by her lover's abrupt departure. Grumbling under her breath as she gets to her feet as well, "It's time to Vore."

Outside, Mariogirl_ stumbles through the rain, her hair and dress sopping wet, her shoes waterlogged, and tears gushing down her face. She runs as far away as she can from her disgruntled lover, her heart shattered by Izzy's disregard for her elaborate roleplay's "plot." She keeps running until she runs right into the tits of a dark, tall man.

"Oh Mr. Jotaro! It's you! Will you please save Kirumi from The Man In The Yellow Hair? She needs to be Saved or DIO will discover her Secret."

"jotaro stabbed kirumi 27 times lol," Wumbo said.

"The Corruption deflected every single attempt," MarioGirl_ replied proudly, flexing her superpower: Mary Sue creation. "Why is Jotaro attacking Kirumi?" She asked in confusion.

"Jotaro's a gay bitch, thats why. Jotaro uses Star Platinum to kill the Corruption and Kirumi." Wumbo said in reply with an indifferent shrug of his shoulders.

"I TRUSTED you!" MarioGirl_ cried out, weeping as her overpowered character crumpled to the ground, dead.

"lol thats what u get for trusting a gay man" Wumbo laughed, amused by her naivety.

Wumbo strides past the sobbing girl, one of his burly shoulders accidentally knocking her straight to the ground with zero effort. MarioGirl_ tumbles down into the greasy brown mud beside her, instantly soiling her once crisp-clean white wedding dress.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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