none of them were on my mind, nor did i really have the energy to explain to anyone execpt kaitlyn. i should probably just let her know i'm okay since she was there for me.

kaitlyn: hey, hope you are doing okay. please let me know if you need anything.

harper: i'm fine, thanks for everything.

i lie shutting off my phone as i head downstairs. i see mac sitting at the kitchen table with a bowl of cereal.

"what's up" i say grabbing fruit from the fridge. "you good?"

"not really" he says as i take a seat across from him.

"it's gonna be fine mac" i reply trying to make the best out of the situation.

"no, moms going to make us leave. i'm going to have to leave all my friends" he says with sadness in his voice.

i than hear footsteps coming down the stairs knowing they are my moms.

she forces a smile at us before sitting down and joining us.

"hey" she says softly. "we need to talk" she says.

yeah no shit.

"so, i'm going to be divorcing your dad" she begins. my stomach twisted at the word divorced. i mean i already saw it coming, and mom was never home anyway so it felt like they already were, but putting an actual label on it just hurt different for some reason.

"and i'm going to be able to take full custody of you two until dad goes to rehab and fixes himself. but who knows if he will do that" my mom says as i glance at mac to make sure he's doing okay. "i've already been looking at places in north carolina" my mom adds.

"harper, you need to look into schools now" my mom says as i shake my head in disagreement.

i also spent those last five hours thinking about my future.

no way in hell im going to college. shit is just not for me. maybe i'll use some of the money dad is able to spare and start up some sort of business. i don't know, i'm not worried about it right now.

"what do you mean no? harper we don't have the mon-" my mom begins to say before i cut her off.

"mom you can't divorce dad" i than say thinking about the money split.

that shit didn't even cross my mind once.

"you can't take all his money" i say again.

i know my mom works and also brings in income but my dads income was hers like x5. if they stuck together money would be way less of a problem for me and mac. plus she can't just screw my dad like that. he's going to have to spend half his money on all the other shit.

"i can do whatever i want harper" my mom says with annoyance in her voice.

"that's not fair to dad, nor me or mac" i begin.

"harper, with the divorce i will still have enough to pay for your and macs college full, plus have both money for when you guys get out, which not a lot of kids are fortunate to have" my mom says.

taste // billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now