Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Travis POV:

Everything went boom and Smaug dropped me. As I was falling I see Katie come running to me and she was crying. I don't think she realized it thought. Right once I think im about to hit the ground, I land on a... PANSY???  Then I see Katie with this staff thing and she forms a plant bubble/shield as more plants explode. Katie falls to her knees, and starts sobbing.

"I thought I was going to lose you!"

"Hey, it's very hard to lose me, I'm great at staying alive!" I said gently.

I looked at her and her arm was bleeding like hell.

"Holy Shit! What happened to your arm?!"

"Why, what's wrong with it?"

"Um... it's bleeding"

"oh..."I  didn't notice."

We need to wrap it up,"

I took off my shirt to help bandage it. Katie just sat there looking surprised, probably because I just took my shirt off... but she might also be going into shock.

"Katie, you need to stay calm, you might be going into shock"

I look at the wound closer and I realize that it is really bad.

"Katie, can your staff bring or conjure healing plant?"

"I don't know, I wasn't told about it"

"Well can I look at it? It might be able to conjurey healing plants"

She handed it to me and I thought of her burn around the blood and aloe appeared.

"sweet" I breathed.

"Katie, this might sting a bit" She screamed.

Shit Connor and Drew probably thinks she's getting laid.

"Is that any better?"

"Yeah... thanks"

I see that the burns are disappearing, it must be a magic form of aloe. I use my shirt and bandage her arm.

"Any idea how to get out of this?"

"Try using the staff" I reply.

She takes the staff and tries to take it down, doesn't work.

"Oh no"

Great. Now we're stuck.

"What are we gonna do? if we don't get out your arm will get infected and then you will get seriously hurt and then what?"

I was panicking. I grab the staff and try to get some form of bandage to appear. Nothing appears so I start freaking out even more.

"Travis calm down it's okay, our friends will find us,"

oh no. Connor. He is probably having a heart attack. But I need to take care of Katie. I look over and she's laughing at me


She didn't answer, she was laughing to hard.


"I cant even,"


I really don't know what she means.

"Can you please tell me what 'I can't even' means? I do not understand."

"You're such an idiot,"

"No I'm not,"

"Yes, you are, you're over reacting,"


Katie is now rolling around laughing. It's kind of terrifying.

"Stop, you might get hurt!"

She just laughs harder at that.


She needs to stop! then I heard a roar. Smaug. Katie stopped and said, "I guess the staff didn't let us out because we're still in danger."

Now that makes sense. But we really need to leave, because Katie needs to get help. Her arm is starting to bubble and ooze green stuff. oh no I cannot let her die, I want to take her on an official date without old people and without hating each other. I can "sense" Smaug try to attack our plant bubble thing, but the bubble pushes Smaug away. THANK THE GODS FOR THIS PLANT BUBBLE THING! But this bubble starts heating up, so I think Smaug is trying to melt it.... "Travis, don't worry, this is Lave Gump, it grows when fire hits it."

Okay, that helps a bit, but we need Smaug dead. With the fire on the plant mist/steam (it wasnt hot) started to come out "Do you have any Drachmas?"

She tossed me one and I threw it into the whatever. Luckily it worked so I was able to Iris message Connor and Drew.


"Yes Connor im alive and so is Smaug,"

"Impossible, you blew up the entire chamber!" said Gimli.

"Well Smaug is alive,"

"Well what are you guys going to do?"

"I don't know, Katie's hurt, so we can't go anywhere"

"Plus we can't get out of this Lava Gump until we're out of danger," Katie piped up.

"Ya, that too, "

Drew looked horrified, "Well we need to get you out of there soon!"

Legolas starts talking. "We're coming there now, but there are no promises that Smaug will die,"

"How far are you?"

"Five, six hours away, you two should get some sleep while we come!" That was Connor.

"Six hours?"

"Sorry, but ya,"

Then we ended it. I looked over at Katie and told her to get some sleep.

"Will you sit with me?"

"of course"

Katie ended up asleep on my lap, she looks so pretty! But she's getting paler by the minute, and I think she'll die if she doesn't get help. I reach over, careful not to wake her, and I grab her staff. I conjure up some fruit for her to eat when she wakes up. I stay awake, and watch Katie sleep. She starts to thrash, I think whatever cut her arm poisoned her. She woke up screaming and crying and she tells me about her nightmare. It's awful. I try and get her to stop crying and she finally does. I offer her some fruit and she nibbles at it.

After she eats she looks a little better and then she falls asleep again, this time her head on my shoulder and I had my arm around her. When I know that she's asleep, I kiss her forehead and hold her closer. After about 2 hours, Drew IMs us. She says that they're on their way. Gratefully, I doze off, knowing we'll be safe soon.

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