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Dear Readers,

Welcome to Legend of Willowa Lake! I am new to Wattpad; this is the first story I have posted on here. But I'm not new to writing, or to writing Hardy Boys fanfiction. I have been posting on for the past three years. As a matter of fact, this book is the second one I posted on that website, three years ago. My writing skills have grown in the last three years (or at least I like to thin so!), but I still feel that this book is worthy of posting on here.

The completed story is twenty chapters long. I'll be posting chapters Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I know I could just go ahead and post the whole thing, but I know from my own fanfiction experiences that there's just something exciting about reading a story as it is being posted one chapter at a time. I think it's the forced waiting in between each chapter that keeps you thinking about what's going to happen next and gives you this feeling of anticipation. So for this book, at least, I'm going to post it this way.

If you should happen to find yourself enjoying this story, I would love to hear about it in the form of comments, votes, or follows, or even all of the above. I'm very serious about pursuing a career as a writer, and so I am super appreciative of any and all feedback that helps me to become the best writer I can be.

I hope you enjoy this story!

God bless!

Elizabeth Joan

The Hardy Boys: Legend of Willowa LakeWhere stories live. Discover now